Kiss It All Better

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He sits in his cell
And lays on his bed
Covers his head and closes his eyes

"How could I let this happen? Why didn't I protect her..." I trailed off quietly as I buried my face in the stiff pillow that had been provided for me. I huffed loudly as I thought about today's events. What did I do wrong? What did I do to deserve this?


He sees a smoking gun
And the coward he ran
And in his arms is the bleeding love of his life
And she cries

"No no no no..." I pulled her to my chest and hugged her close. I promised I would protect her. I have failed now.

Kiss it all better
I'm not ready to go
It's not your fault love you didn't know
You didn't know

It is so her to be trying to comfort me. "Shh shh, save your energy. Stay with me."

Her hands are so cold
And he kisses her face
And says, "Everything will be alright."

I pet her hair gently as I tried to comfort her and keep her with me.
"Please hold on..." I applied pressure to the fresh gunshot wound that had opened on her chest.
I could feel her slowly fade away from me.
"I love you...Tim..." she weakly told me as she placed a hand on my cheek.
I held her hand there for a few moments before I felt her arm go limp.
The brightness that once filled her beautiful (e/c) eyes was now gone. She let out one final breath before the rest of her body went limp in my arms.
That was when the tears that I had held back began to fall.

I picked up the phone and, in a panicked voice, called the emergency services.
They stayed on the line with me the whole time, listening to my breathing that I struggled to maintain.
After arriving, they did a full check on her. They tried everything they could to save her from her sealed fate.
"She's gone." One of the medics put his hand on my shoulder as he said this in an attempt to comfort me.
They draped a white sheet over her fragile form before lifting her onto a gurney that had a bag sitting on top of it. A bag big enough to fit her lifeless body in.
They wheeled her out of the house and I stood still, watching them take my sweet baby away from me.
"I love you..." I silently called out to her before I looked down and cried more.

He noticed the gun
And his rage grew inside
He said, "I'll avenge my lover tonight."
And she cried

I picked up the still loaded pistol and exited the house. I quickly put on my mask and followed the tracks of the dead man that the snow had preserved. I will end him.

Kiss it all better
I'm not ready to go
It's not your fault love you didn't know
You didn't know

Her words echoed in my head as I came closer to my target. He had spotted me and ran down an alley. I took off after him knowing something that he didn't. This alley lead to a dead end. The mouse had trapped himself. I rose the pistol up and squeezed the trigger before he could turn back around to face me.

End Flashback

Now he sits behind prison bars
25 to life and she's not in his arms
He couldn't bring her back with a bullet to the heart
In the back of a man who tore his world apart

I sat up and held my head in my hands. I yanked hard on my hair before standing up and punching the wall opposite of me.
"Why couldn't I have protected her!?"
I kept punching the wall and repeating that single question before slumping to the floor and crying.

He holds on to a memory
All it is is a memory
Hey Hey

I looked at my now bloodied knuckles and the memory of her cleaning the many wounds I had gotten over the years now flooded my mind.
The tears wouldn't stop.
The memories made them worse.
I soon stood up shakily and made my way over to the hard bed, if you could call it that. It was more like a cot than anything.
I sat at the edge of the old thing and put my face in my hands once again.

He cries
Stay with me until I fall asleep, stay with me

"Why did you have to leave?"

Stay with me until I fall asleep, stay with me

"Why couldn't I have protected you? I promised that I would."

Stay with me until I fall asleep, stay with me

"I'm so sorry my sweet little (y/n). I am so sorry."

Stay with me until I fall asleep, stay with me

"Please come back to me. I need you."

I could feel a sort of warm presence surround me. I knew it was her. And I cried more.
If I listened carefully, I could hear her silently sing to me.

Kiss it all better
I'm not ready to go
It's not your fault love you didn't know
You didn't know

I began to sob. Even after all of this, she still comes to comfort me. Why couldn't I have saved her?

I began to sing softly with her.

Stay with me until I fall asleep, stay with me

I lay myself down on the bed and covered myself up.

Stay with me until I fall asleep, stay with me

I let a few more tears slide down my cheeks before closing my eyes.

Stay with me until I fall asleep, stay with me

I spoke the final lines softly.

"Kiss it all better. Stay with me until I fall asleep, stay with me." And as I faded into a heavy darkness, I felt her leave me.

"I love you."

Kiss It All Better Masky {Song Fic}Where stories live. Discover now