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"Ugh! Inuyasha, sometimes I can't handle your presence! You know what?!" Kagome yelled at the half-demon who stared angrily at her.

"What? What are you going to do?! Are you gonna tell me to sit?" He laughed at her, giving her his devious smile and he looked to the side, brushing off her anger as he chuckled.

Tears formed at her eyes, and she forced them to stop; he would only laugh at her more. She yanked the necklace of jewel-shards off of her neck, causing him to look over questioningly.

"I'm done. Here Miroku, take them," She threw the vial to the monk who stood to the side, not wanting to get in the way of them arguing.

"Wait, what are you doing, give them to me!" Inuyasha stepped forward, until she held out her hand, stopping him.

"I've had enough, Inuyasha. You and Kikyo can do whatever you want and go on to fight Naraku yourselves. As for me, I am going back to my family!"

"You can't leave, we need you to find the rest of the shards!-"

"You can find them yourselves. I don't know what I was thinking staying here! I have a family at home, with Sota, my mother and grandfather."

"Kagome, you're not thinking str-"

"No," her voiced dropped to a whisper and she looked down, her fists clenching.

She looked up, her expression surprising him. Her eyes were serious and truly angry at him, her stare making his hair rise.

"Fine," he scoffed, "go ahead. Like I care..."

Her gaze softened, hurt, and she turned around. "Goodbye Miroku. Sango. I wish you the best of luck. I'm sorry I have to leave you Shippo."

With their backs turned to each other, she walked away, taking her yellow backpack and bike.

Inuyasha glanced back at her. They've fought a countless number of times, and she had always returned. This time wouldn't be any different.

"Inuyasha, you need to stop her and apologize," Miroku finally spoke up.

"Please, she's the one who needs to apologize. She'll come back anyways, so we'll just have to wait," he watched her figure disappear down the road. She didn't even look back once, while they all stared after her.

Someone started sniffling and he glanced down to Shippo as the small fox-demon started crying.

"Suck it up, will you? She'll be back," he nudged Shippo with his foot, who backed away from him, angry.

"You were the reason she left!" Tears fell from his cheeks and Sango reached down, resting her hand on his shoulder for comfort.

"I told you, she's going to be back," he looked at Miroku's stern face then to where she had walked off, "won't she?"

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