Why Not? (Interracial Story)

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Hey y'all My name is Deena Leah Sway,but my friends call me (dee).
       I'm 17 years old and I'm going to tell a story all about how my life got switched all upside down lol .... Naw I'm just playing I ain't gonna sing the whole song, but I will tell ya my story Im from a little city in Alabama and I'm a Junior as of right now. 

I was adopted at the age of 2 and my most amazing adoptive parents who I call mom and dad  they have spoiled me rotten  but i don't brag thats not my thing. My dad is in the Air Force so you get the picture and my mother is a dental hygienist. I go to one of the biggest school in the state called Crawsford High School they smashed our little city with a whole bunch of other little cites
and made one big school right dead in the middle ... (If you ask me I think they did it on purpose) hoping the children would  finally come together and be friendly. 
That's far from the case of the school it's so segregated that the black side of the lunch room don't even have white plastic spoons or fork.
Anyway we have the same groups your school would have: we have the

band geeks,
the artist
the richies,
The tatted
the smarties ,
loners ,
pot heads and hookah lovers ( gotta lovem both!)
jocks, and
the class presidents and etc.

What group am I in you ask? I'm in my very own group  called I like being by myself and don't want to be bugged by stupid people and
stupid questions like is that your real hair? Yes it's my real hair I'm have Native American and black and I'm 5'9 I'm pretty lucky to get blessed with my hair. Or the question is he really your brother?

Talking about my older brother Archer who's a Senior and is 6'2  he has green eye's and brown hair, one of the best basketball players 
and track runner in the state and is on his way to college to be a physical therapist with his GPA of 4.0  (mines is a 4.1 :)) on a full ride, but the only difference is he's white. I told him he doesn't have to talk to me at school so people will leave me alone but I knew that
would never happen because he's adored me since the day I came home and is very protective over me and this is also why I'm 17 and
don't have a boyfriend -__- and have only been on one date in my life. I only  have one of person in my group beside archer and that's
my best friend rayianaa and she is the most awesome person I've meet. We've been best friends since 5th grade when somebody tried
to still her money and glasses, I stopped them with one looks and a evil eye and they handed me her stuff and fly away.  I gave her stuff
back and she thanked me and asked me if I wanted to sit  with her at lunch and since then we've been beastie's. I was on my way to my
locker to get my blue and purple d-i-y polk a doted lunch box because lord knows what they put In the school lunches. I had my head deep into a book on my kindle when I didn't see that to hit something hard thinking it was the wall I try to side step and kept heading toward the lunchroom I hit the wall again damn wall why you keep getting in my way I said quietly I finally look up to see what was exactly in front of me ask I looked I seen the prettiest ocean blue icy eye's I had every seen in my life
I... I'm sorry I didn't know it was someone I started to pass the guy so I wouldn't sound more of a fool than I already had. But there he went again blocking me again to get to the lunchroom I was so close but he blocked me It's my fault I should have seen what I was doing I'm Pierce ..... And you are?

  None of your business as I side stepped and ran to the stupid cafeteria that was only 10 steps away I had missed the first 5 minute of lunch and I knew Rayianaa would get mad if I was any later.

   Hey dee where have you been? Rayianaa asked
I was on my way here when I though I hit a wall , you know how I usually do when I'm readying and I did a side step to keep walking but i hit again
Those walls will be the death of you dee you ready last time you where knocked out for 2 hours after hitting a wall when you were speed reading?

Yeaaa ray I remember, but listen when I finally looked up and seen what it was, it wasn't a wall of bricks and mold but a wall of muscles and abs

Huh?  How that happen-ray

I don't know I said sorry and tried to hurry and side step and run here but the guy got in my way again and said it was okay and his

name was Pierce and asked me mine and I told him none of his business and hurry and ran in her to tell you.

Well Pierce  look now I think Pierce is coming back to finish his conversation -ray says

I turn to what she was talking about and here he was coming my way. I try to cover my head with my big sweater sleeves but it wasn't no good

I felt a thump on my shoulder I ignored it the first time hoping it was the damn wind  but was I finally turned around to see what this guy wanted I already told him to mind his business

want do you want - I said angry

he had made me miss 5 mins of my lunch period and now he was takin a few more minutes

I just wanted to bring you this and ask for you name he said

   And handed me my blue and purple polka-dot lunch box

        You left it after you ran from me -pierce said

Well thank you, he just stood here.. Um you can leave now what do you want a reward?

  No... But I would like your number he said with a sly grin on his face

     I froze in shock and got very angry and snapped at him to leave

   He was shocked and hurried away.

You could have been a little nicer -Rayianaa said

He'll be fine his little ego was just bruised

Pierce P.O.V

He I'm Pierce Lankin Allen's I'm 17 years old and a Junior at Crawsford High School, this is my first year  of real school I've been home schooled my whole life until now my parents told me since mom was stationed now it would be good for me to be  with kids my own age.


   Don't get me wrong home schooling on a base is very fun you get to be in a room with kids from other basis while there parent are off helping the country.  Im 6'2 with blue eye's and dirty blonde hair and i play football,  and basketball  oh I have a twin sister name Isabella as well.

I was walking to find my next class before I was last and I was looking down at phone deciding what new pair of shoes I  wanted as a late birthday gift to myself when something more like someone hit me.

I looked up to see what had happen it was a girl she was still looking at her kindle and she try to side step but I got in her way again and I heard her say something to herself  i chuckled and she

finally looked at up and I seen her beautiful crystal like brown eye I swear I was stunned by them. I'm sorry she said she kept looking at her kindle, no I'm sorry I should have been watching where I was heading I'm Pierce by the way what's you name? I held my hand

out for her to shake it but she just looked at and told. Me none of her business and run into what I believed was the lunch area. I was

stunned at how rude she was I was starting to walk off when I almost tripped over something hard I looked down and seen it was the

girls lunch pale I went into the lunch room to return it to her but when I found her she snapped on me and ask me what I wanted and

said you left you lunch pale and handed to her she thank me and I guess I stared at her for a little to long before she asked me do you

want a reward or something ? No but I would like your number I said with a sly grin on my face she look like she was about to laugh

then switch and told me and to get lost I was crushed and down founded and walk back to the place I was heading. Why something some pretty have such a mean way? 

This is another story of mine and I going to write as much as I can and see if any one likes it and any ideas the story came to me  at 5 in the A.m and I was up soo I think you can get the picture

Can't Remember to Forget You (Interracial Story)Where stories live. Discover now