Chapter 1

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Made this with Don't Let Me Go and the first Jonas Brothers album on repeat.

I recommend listening to the song "Jane Doe" by Never Shout Never before or while reading this. :) (Video on side --->)


Chapter 1

Niall's POV

There she goes again. Walking down the hall and going into her flat, 5B. I live in 1B. I bet you are wondering who 'she' even is. To be honest, I don't even know really. All I know is her flat number and that I am in love with her. She has long, medium brown, curly hair and robin egg blue eyes. She's thin and a couple inches shorter than my 5'9". She has lived in the building for three years, same as I have. For now we'll call her Jane Doe. I stood in front of my door thinking about her until my phone rang. I shook my head before taking out my phone and looking at the caller ID. It was one of my best mates, Harry Styles. "Hey." I answered as I opened my door and walked in.

"Hey. Do you wanna come to the record shop with me later? I want to see if they have that record I've been looking for." Harry asked. "Um, sure. I'll come pick you up at three, mate." I told him.

"OK, see you then." He replied before hanging up. I looked at the clock to see it was 2:00 PM. I had enough time to take a shower before I met up with Harry. The record shop's real name is Josette's Records, but we thought that sounded too formal for what the shop contained. The windows are so covered in dirt; all you can see from the outside is dim light shining through. The most people I've ever seen in there is like ten. Most of them are slime balls that work there. There is only decent guy who works there. A few of wanna-be rockers and people of the same sort would come in occasionally. My friends and I were probably the only consistent customers.

I went to my bathroom, getting undressed once I had closed the door. I always automatically closed the bathroom door even though I live alone because my friends randomly will walk in my flat. I examined the tattoos covering my skin, my dyed blonde hair, the snake bite piercings on my lips, and the gages in my ears. I laughed at myself in my head. Why would my Jane Doe ever even like me? We are complete opposites. I always see her in lacey, flowery clothes, really girly stuff. She always looked like an antique porcelain doll, always so fragile looking. I was a punk who got in trouble as a kid and worked in a bar when I was 18, barely even legal to be there. Now I was 20. My best friends, Harry, Louis, Zayn, and Liam were the same as me, except Harry and Zayn worked as DJ's in the same club, switching nights.

I had always been friends with Harry, ever since we were little. I had met Zayn through Harry, since they worked at the same place. Louis we had met at the record shop, and then we met Liam through Louis.

Anyways, I took a quick shower, and then went into my room to change. Usually I wouldn't change, but I had been lounging around in sweats all day and had only left to grab my mail from downstairs. I changed into some grey skinny jeans and a black V-neck. I grabbed my wallet and slipped on some black Vans. As I opened my door and went to close it, another opened and closed. I looked up to see Jane Doe leaving. She saw me too and gave me a smile. I looked down before I blushed, locking my door, then slightly smiled. The stairwell was closer to my door, but she had begun walking before me, so we ended up walking side by side.

I looked at the ground casually as we walked. "Hey." She said suddenly. I looked up to her peeking at me out of the corner of her eye as we walked.

"Erm, hey." I muttered back. Have I mentioned I've never spoke to her before? Hence why I don't know her name. It's not like I avoided her or anything, we just never got put into awkward situations where we needed to talk, like now.

"Where you headed off to?" She questioned. Her voice was like tinkling bells.

"To the record shop, er, Josette's Records." I mumbled, figuring she either wouldn't be interested or wouldn't know what I'm talking about.

"Really? I'm headed there as well." She looked up fully with a wide smile.

Without thinking I asked, "Do you need a ride?"

"Yeah, sure. It's Antionetta Baely by the way. Call me Ann though. I don't believe I know your name." She, Ann, told me.

"Niall. Niall Horan." I answered her subtle question. I then realized I finally knew her name and I smiled like an idiot.

As we reached the bottom of the stairs, I remembered Harry. Speaking of which, he is the only one who knows how I feel about Antionetta. "You don't mind if I pick up a friend first, do ya?" I asked, not wanting to make her think I was like kidnapping her or anything since we would have to drive past the store to go to Harry's.

"I don't mind." She answered politely. We made our way to my car, a black Mustang with white racing stripes. We got in, her in the front passenger seat, and drove off. We drove in an awkward silence until she spoke. "So, how long have you been going to Josette's?"

"Oh, for probably five years now. I used to go there whenever I had the chance. Now, I go at least once a week." I answered, trying to sound casual. "How about you?"

"I've been going since I moved here three years ago. They have the best albums. Sometimes I'll just buy a random one and listen to it until I like it." She admitted, blushing a little. Her blush was cute; it started on her cheeks and spread to her nose, then the rest of her face. I pulled in front of Harry's house then. He was just opening his door and came walking towards the car. Like me, he was covered in tattoos and gages in his ears, but with only one lip piercing. He was wearing a black Ramones shirt with dark blue skinny jeans and black Converse.

Harry climbed in the back, seeing someone already occupying the front. Ann and I both turned to look at him. "Niall, I was going to ask you, do y-" He cut himself off when he saw who exactly it was in the front. "Erm, hello. I don't believe we've met. I'm Harry Styles." He put his hand out for her to shake. Her small hand met his large one and shook it quickly before dropping it, saying her own name. "Nice to meet you." Harry said once she had turned around and gave me a look saying 'we need to talk about this.'

"OK, let's go." I muttered before switching the car from park into drive and driving in the direction of the record shop. Today was going to be interesting.


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