I Love McKenzie sso mukc I hasd all the mkanzie mcerch and fanfiktions I wuld prey to mkanzie evriy nite b4 beds miy dads wuld cum in and calls me an mason I wuld calld him an cole he wuld slaps me and calls me I ryan and slups me and makes me gos2 bed I is crking now and my butt hurte I fils a warmf cumin 2 wards me its mkanzie!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I is the happyistek lad in fankfction she is wispar in me eers andseys dis ismeh funfiction and putts me on me on hans an nees an bahsk me in van an sayes tht u stole meh funficksion so I stel yo bruh an undwer mi dad wolks inan seeys it an seys ...mkanxie wot r u doin wif me suns grammer and mkanzie loks hm in I an says will u marie mae an make an hapiysest lady in world ps I kno chate on u so bye thnx like an coment an tell ifi ned mur stuf tel If I want u mur storye
McKenzie Is Love. McKenzie is Life.
RomanceBestst story evr!!!!! Very tru I cans relat - autur, dnail bkre.