I Just Checked Out A WHAT?!

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I Just Checked Out A WHAT?

Chapter one

My mind started to zone out as I listened to them scream at each other. My parents, did always have to fight? And at the littlest things! Tears began to roll down my cheeks, though I ignored them, I was too used to it. A long time had gone since a day had passed without tears, screaming, bangs and crashes. Finally, a door slammed and a car screeched down the road, 'which one was it this time?' I wondered.

"Lya, come here please!"

I lay still, pretending not to hear her.


'NO!' I thought, 'Not again, I'm not going to listen to this AGAIN.'

I took a deep breath and ran across to my window, lifted it up and plunged into the darkness. I sat there on the roof, gazing into the shadows, just thinking of what it would be like to be part of a happy family. One that knew love and trust and... whatever else a family was supposed to have. I wouldn't know. The door clicked open in my room as my mother called me another time. I heard her sigh and then walk back down the stairs. I felt no desire to call after her, to comfort her or talk. She was no mother of mine, not any more anyway.

My name is Lydia Crossman, but I prefer Lya (like lee-ah.)

I have black hair and chilling black eyes. I'm really pretty average looking, normal height, slim but not busty and fair skin.

Just then a loud crunching sound came from the distance. All of a sudden my senses were alert.

'Dad' I thought, my eyes widening. I jumped into the tree, making my way to the ground. Without waiting for my breath to catch up to me I ran, ran all the way until I saw what I was hoping I would not see. "DAD! DAD, DAD, DAD!!!!!" I screamed wishing he was okay, even though I knew he wasn't. I ran to dark green beetle and as I got closer I noticed the huge dent in the roof, right above the drivers seat. The dent was massive, big enough for me to stand in and have it come past me ankles. Hot, wet tears streamed down my cheeks, blurring my sight as I tried to pry open the passenger side door. The handle was crunched, but the door opened after a few tugs. The sight was unbearable, whatever had made the dent had just missed dad's head, crushing his shoulder instead. His eyes were empty and he looked... drained.

A tree to my left rustled, and something small and silver that fell from it caught my eye. Cautiously, I walked to spot where a small but beautiful ring had fallen. When I tried to pick it up a startling shock was sent up my arm, forcing me pull back in pain. Breathing in, the air made a hissing noise as it passed through my clenched teeth. I tried again, this time, only feeling a small shiver run through me. Curiously, I turned the ring over and over in my hand, looking at every detail. Before I could take everything in, a burning light came from the ring and then everything blacked out.


I woke with a start, looking around I noticed I was lying in the middle of a small, but neatly furnished room. A door opened and the most unbelievably, gorgeously beautiful man I had ever seen stepped towards me.

"WHO THE F-" I began, but stopped. His gaze seemed to penetrate my soul, I couldn't speak, couldn't anything. 'Oh god! What if he wants to rape me? Take me now I say! He is just too good to be true' My eyes widened as I took him in. His luscious chocolate brown hair was straight and longish. He had questioning dark blue eyes and lips that if came anywhere near me would surely be kissed for eternity. His face was perfectly place in all areas, high cheekbones and broad jaw. That was his face, but his body was so much more. His shirt was tight, showing his chiselled abbs flat stomach. I swear I was going to pass out.

He raised his eyebrow and I suddenly realised I was practically drooling all over the floor. I gulped, blushing deep scarlet and abruptly snapped back into focus.

I cleared my throat. "Wh-why did you bring me here?"

I watched as his eyes widened in shock.

"BRING YOU HERE? I didn't even KNOW you were here! All I know is that-"

'AH! His voice is even more beautiful than his face. It had a hint of an Italian accent and was deep and rich and, and... Uh Oh, angry.'

My mind came back to reality. "and then suddenly you were here in the middle of the floor with some crazy look in your as you stared at me from across the room!"

'SHIT! Was he still talking? What is he talking about? All I can think about is his totally... kissable... lips. Oh no I'm zoning out again!'

I shook my head, trying to focus on all his shouting. "So? What are YOU doing HERE at MY house? Huh?" He finished, breathing heavily and glaring at me with his now icy stare.


Note from Author: Okay so this is my first story so please comment and tell what you think about it so far and even how I could make it better. I won't be posting until I know you if guys think it's any good so please comment me your thoughts!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2009 ⏰

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