This is the beggining

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So I woke up one day and I got out of bed and walked to my bathroom and then suddenly OH MY GOD THERE IS A RAT ON MY SHOE. I swiftly continued to shake of this RAT. But then I soon realized that it was only my dead pet alligator John getting up to mischief again. Silly John. So after shaking off the dead John I decided to write a story. I was still in my Jammie's from bed time so I was very comfortable in my writing chair. After a 3 hour writing sesh as the kids these days call it I walked back into my room. Once i got into my room I
reached into my fish tank and grabbed my prize catfish. I then proceeded to slap my fish and throw him out the window and on the street. After I analyzed the now dead catfish (his name was John aswell bum bum bum) I found my best friend POP find the fish. She then took a picture of said fish and posted it on the interwebz as the kids call it these dayz. After posting the fish photo she went back inside. I got out of my chair and thought to myself what if I did not feed the elf living in my basement. After this very stupid thought I went into my basement where I found Peter Dinklage chillin like a villain drinking penicillin. After me and the dink man hung out I went outside punched a tree whistled 5 times and summoned A genie who said I had three wishes. I wished for the genie to die. He died. And I was sad. THE END (of part one).

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