Imaginary Friend

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A/n: I got the idea from a Supernatural Episode. I dedicate this one short story to peachtwink . Ary you're the best, babe!

Zayn has always wanted a younger brother. He simply just wanted someone to play with because he was bored. He was always bored. He was the only child and from the looks of it, it didn't seem like his parents wanted anymore children.

After all. Zayn was a mistake. A stupid mistake that was the result of too many beers and too little brains because they always fûcked with a condom, well except for that night. And she had recently stop taking her birth control because she was trying to switch over to something else. And Zayn's mum regretted it daily. The only reason she kept the fucker was because of his father. Zayn's father liked the idea of having a kid. He was even more happy when he found out he was a boy.

His father was good to him up until he was about five. That's when his father noticed something different about him. He wasn't like any other toddlers. Zayn seemed to be delicate, like a flower. And well Zayn's dad didn't like that too much. Because Zayn acted like a "fairy." He remembers one day when Zayn was looking at a naked man that happened to be on his dad's computer. Zayn couldn't take his eyes off of it. In that moment, Zayn's father knew what Zayn was.

That's what Zayn remembers what he was called. And for a time, he thought that was his name. It was that age, 5, when he remembers that's when he first wanted a little brother. Someone to play with and talk to.

Zayn didn't get that wish until he was about 8. Though it wasn't exactly what he was hoping for.

Big green eyes and brown curly hair stared back at Zayn. He tried to figure out where he came from. Because one minute Zayn was alone in his room crying to himself because he was really hungry and his mum was too passed out to make food for her son. And his dad wasn't home. Now Zayn would have went to the kitchen to make his own food, but he remembers all too well what happened last time he tried that.

His mother locked him in the closet for two days with nothing to eat. He peed himself because he was so scared. And he sat in that until she plucked him from the closet and tossed him in the bath.

Even though Zayn went hungry that day, it was easily the best day of his life. Because that's when he met, Harry. That green eyed, brown haired boy.

Zayn briefly thought about where the boy came from but never dwelled on it. Mostly because the boy could do cool tricks and stuff. Like make pencils float, make anything Zayn wanted, appear, which at the time was food, so he quickly won Zayn's favorite.

Whenever Zayn was hungry, he'd never have to bug his mum and she won't be angry at him. Plus Harry's food was a lot cooler. He let Zayn have ice cream for dinner.

One day, Zayn was exceptionally curious about Harry.

"I mean. Where did you come from?" Zayn asks. "Do you have a mum and dad too. Like me?" 10 year old Zayn asks. Harry shakes his head.

"I don't know how to explain it Zayn. It's like..." Harry thinks of what to say. "Like we are just made. Everyone is made for a speccial purpose. We each have our person and we stick with them until they don't want us anymore." Harry shrugs. "Then we move on and when we reach a certain age, we stop there and we just move on to other people.

"But, you'll always be here. Right Harry?"

"As long as you want me to. I will Zayn." He spits on his hand and holds it out. Zayn does the same and they shake hands. "Promise." Zayn will never admit to Harry that he liked to hold his hand. He thinks maybe Harry would be weirded by that.

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