South Korea x Reader: An Unexpected Greeting (lemon)

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You were sitting in the living room watching YouTube on your laptop. You were watching your favorite Markiplier videos as you waited for your wonderful boyfriend, Im Yong Soo to get home from a world meeting. You were absorbed in your laptop as the door swung open. Im Yong Soo rushed in, taking off his jacket and sneaking to the entry way to the living room. He saw you on the laptop and smirked to himself. He had a sneaky plan ready. To be honest, you haven't seen Im Yong Soo in a few months due to his work, and he new that you missed him. So last night, he came up with a great plan.
Im Yong snuck upstairs, making sure to be as quiet as possible. He went up to the room you both shared and went into the bathroom. He walked over to the counter and opened a locked drawer with a key. In there, was a box. He smirked and took the box and sat it on the nightstand next to the queen size bed. He then, went back into the bathroom and changed into his sleepwear: black shorts and a blue tank top. Im Yong laid on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. He was so excited for what he had planned. To get your attention, he knocked a few books off the nightstand, landing on the floor with a thump.

Your POV
I heard a thump from upstairs, and closed your laptop.
Is that an intruder!? Uh...what am I supposed to do? Im Yong isn't here! I thought frantically. I jumped up and grabbed a broom from the closet. Heading upstairs, I clutched the broom in your hand. I swore you heard the thump from your room. I carefully walked up to my door and opened it carefully. I crept in and looked around. That was when I noticed someone on my bed...I couldn't believe my eye...I ran over to the bed and jumped on him, hugging him.
"Im Yong! I missed you so much!" I said happily.
"I missed you too..." Im Yong replied, kissing my cheek.
I felt Im Yong strike my back, and I felt his hand move lower.

Im Yong's POV
I felt (y/n) tense as I moved my hand to rest on her butt.
"Yong Soo!? What are y-you doing!?" I heard her cute voice ask.
Using my other hand, I stroked her cheek.
"I'm giving my girlfriend a pleasurable greeting..." I whispered seductively in her ear. I saw her cheeks turn a dark shade of red. I chuckled to myself.
I then flipped her over, where I was on top. I looked down to see her flushed face looking up at me. I felt a tinge of pride.
I bent down and kissed her. I felt (y/n) tense, but she kissed back. After a few seconds, I brushed my tongue across her lower lip, asking for an entrance. She shyly opened her mouth, and I slipped my tongue in her moist mouth. I explored every inch of her wet cavern before pulling away for air. I then dove for her neck and kissed the sensitive skin, looking for that one spot.
"Ah!" I heard (y/n) moan when I kissed a certain spot.
Smirking against her neck, I bit that spot and started gently sucking.
"Im Yong! Ah!" I heard my lovely girlfriend moan out.
After leaving a satisfying bruise, I sat up, taking the hem of (y/n)'s shirt. I looked up at her.

Your POV
I looked at Im Yong with embarrassed eyes. I had no idea how I got myself into this situation, but the worse thing about all of it...was that I was enjoying it! He took a hold of the hem of my shirt and looked up at me with lust dusted eyes. I gave him a small nod. He made quick work of my shirt and pulled it over my head, leaving me in my (f/c) bra. Im Yong started kissing up my stomach, occasionally stopping to bite and lick in a few places.
"Mmm...ngh..." I tried biting my lip to conceal my moans.
Im Yong noticed this and quickly kissed up to the bottom of my bra. Once again, he looked up at me. My face had to have been a shade of red that would put Spain's tomatoes to shame. I saw him move his hand to my back, searching for the clasp. I gasped as I felt the clasp become undone. Im Yong slid the straps off my shoulders and threw the unwanted garment in some unknown corner. I crossed my arms quickly over my chest, trying my best to hide my breasts.
I heard Im Yong chuckle, and he reached over to the nightstand, retrieving a small box. He opened it, taking out a pair of handcuffs. He took my wrist and pinned them above my head. He quickly handcuffed my hands to the headboard of the bed, leaving my upper body exposed to his eyes. I felt my face blush deeper.

Author's POV
Im Yong Soo gazed at your upper body with hungry eyes. He bent down and took one of your nipples in is mouth.
"Ah!" You arched your back at the sudden surge of pleasure.
Yong Soo sucked greedily on your nipple and used his hand to pinch and message the other nipple. After a while, he switched, doing the same thing to the other.
You were a moaning mess, and you felt really hot. Rubbing your legs together, you tried releasing some of the friction. Yong Soo noticed this and smirked. He sat up and gripped your pants. He suddenly pulled them down and threw them elsewhere.
"My, my...~ Look who's wet..." He said in a sexy tone as he dipped his fingers below your panty line.
"Ah! Yong Soo!"
You felt him move a finger to play with your sensitive skin. You tried moving, but the handcuffs prevented that.
"Yong Soo...mmm!"

Im Yong's POV
Hearing (y/n) moan my name was like beautiful music to my ears. It was amazing. I wanted to hear more...much more... I moved my hand away and heard her grunted due to the loss of contact. I crept back up and captured her lips in a heated kiss. As we were kissing, I moved my hand and quickly removed (y/n)'s wet panties. I heard her gasp. Moving down, I kissed from her chest, down to her hips. I heard her moan the entire time. She clutched my shirt and looked at me with needy eyes. I smiled and took both my shirt and shorts off, leaving me in my boxers. She blushed at the sight. Continuing, I moved my hand to her womanhood and yet again started fingering it. I heard (y/n) hiss intensely with pleasure.
After a bit, I stopped. I looked up at (y/n) as I removed my boxers. She started at shocked and somewhat scared at what she saw. I kissed her, trying my best to comfort her.
"If you want, we can stop here, Da-ze..." I whispered in her ear.
She shook her head.
"N-No...! Don't stop...I want you, Im Yong..." she replied instantly.
I felt I smile creep itself onto my face.
"I want you too, (y/n)..." I whispered back.
I slowly entered (y/n) and stopped, allowing her to adjust. I saw a tear run down her cheek. I wiped it with my thumb.
"Are you sure you want to continue?" I asked worried.
She nodded her head. "Yes...I love you..."
I smiled and kissed her as I moved. "I love you too..." I heard her moan.

Author's POV
Im Yong continued to thrust in and out to your enjoyment. You moved with him as he continued. "Ah!"
He started moving faster.
It wasn't long before both of you came. He pulled out and undid the handcuffs. Im Yong laid down beside you and wrapped his arms around you. You kissed his cheek.
"Welcome home, Im Yong Soo..." Im Yong smiled. "It's good to be home..."
You both fell asleep to the sound if each other's heartbeat.

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