Can't sleep

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Vegeta stirred uncomfortably in his bed. He had tried countless times to fall asleep, but his body just didn't seem tired. He sighed out aggitatedly as he opened his eyes. He stared at the ceiling, as if it was the most interesting thing in the world. He was alone, only his thoughts to accompany him. He glanced out the window, right of him. He watched as the stars twinkled like still snowflakes in a dark abiss. He wondered what it would be like to see space again. No one to stop him, nothing in his way. Just him and an empty, black void. He sighed out calmly. Just then he heard the bed room door open, and a bright light shined into the room. Vegeta hissed as it shined in his eyes, and he quickly pulled his blanket over his face. It was obvious who it was, he didn't need to see. 'Kakarot.....' Vegeta growled to himself lightly. He listened as the footsteps of his rival carefully tapped against the hard wood floor. They tapped by his side, till he heard the shuffling of sheets and a content sigh. After a moment he slowly peeked out from the covers. He stared at the sound asleep saiyan next to him. It was ironic that they had to share a room, being that they were rivals, and didn't usually get along. He was glad they were allowed to sleep in seperate beds at least. Vegeta watched Goku for a few more seconds, before slouching down against his pillows, sighing out forcefully. He snuggled into the plush mattress and closed his eyes. It was silent in the room for a few minutes, before Vegeta started shuffling in his bed again. He grumbled angrily, before sitting up. He gripped the bedsheets in agitation. The wind blew in through the window, and he shivered. He wrapped himself up in his blanket tightly. But as the outside breeze continued to flow into the room, the blankets seemed of no use. Vegeta hugged himself, pulling his knees up to his chest. He bit his bottom lip as the bitter cold bit as his skin. 'These pathetic blankets are nothing more than sheets against this cold!' As Vegeta struggled to keep warm, he looked over and noticed Goku sleeping as comfy as a kitten. Vegeta  pondered for a minute as a thought struck his kind. He narrowed his eyes, objecting to the idea. But as he discovered that this cold wasn't going to die down anytime soon, he was left with no other option. He hesitated for a moment, before reluctantly leaving his cozy bed, and becoming exposed to the cold. He gasped as the freezing cold air enveloped him. Although the air wasn't cold enough for him see his breath, Vegeta wasn't very use to it. He had always trained tirelessly in the Gravity room, his skin becoming heated to the bone. And when he wasn't in the Gravity room, he would always try to ascend to the next level, his muscles working painfully in the blazing heat of the sun. And now he was a victim to the 'unfamiliar' wind. Vegeta stalked towards Goku's bed, trying desperately not to make a noise. His legs felt like they would give out, they were shivering so much. But as soon as he got Goku's bed, he just stared. He wasn't so sure he wanted to do this now. This was his rival he was planning to sleep with after all. What if his deep asleep appearance was just a disguise to show people they couldn't even succeed at waking him up, just so he wouldn't be disturbed? And anyways, Vegeta would never even think of doing such an emberassing and shameful act, even if he was cold! But the bed was so tempting, and looked so warm. He could even feel its heat registering from where he stood. He couldn't resist the urge much longer, and gave in. He took a deep breath, before he lowered a shaky hand down to the blankets. He gripped it tightly, before slowly peeling it back some. His eyes suddenly shot to Goku as the taller saiyan said something inaudible in his sleep. Vegeta sighed out in relief. When he uncovered the blanket just a little more, he silently slipped under it. The warmth was quickly more noticeable, and actually caught Vegeta by surprise. But as he settled into it, he relaxed. He looked over at Goku, and couldn't help but risk snuggling into him. Vegeta rested his head against Goku's side, sighing out in peaceful content, before closing his eyes. He felt Goku shuffle a bit, but thought nothing of it. He was soon fast asleep, unaware of the smiling face looking down apon him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2015 ⏰

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Vegeta X Goku oneshot Can't sleepWhere stories live. Discover now