Chapter 1 : Give It A Shot

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"We broke up!"


"Me and Charlie, we broke up."

"Say what?" Ouch! Easy there, Jess. You almost killed my eardrums. I saw complete shock all over her face. Her eyes were so wide that her eyeballs would fall out any moment. Her mouth fell open so broad that even moon can fit in it. Okay, over-exaggeration.

"Yes." I stayed calm. That gave her even more shock.

She blinked twice and shaked her head. I just chuckled at her.

"Y-you okay?" She rubbed my shoulder. I simply smiled and nodded.

I'm fine, absolutely. I'm actually happy. Charlie. Ugh!

"If you are fine, then great. But how? I knew you soon were going to but tell me, how?" Do I really need to talk about it now?

"I don't wanna talk about it, Jess. It's over and that's it. I'm totally fine and I've moved on." I smiled.

"Okay, if you say so. If you are happy, I'm happy too." She smiled nervously.

I walked to the kitchen to get something to munch, just then I heard Jess croak. I turned around to notice her playing with her hair. I looked at her skeptically.


"Yep." There was a long silence after this. We kept looking at each other. I patiently waited for Jess to open up. What is going on in your wicked mind, Jessica Robert?

"I...well, Angel? Can you do me a favour?" She was hesitant as ever. I easily made out that this favour could be a disaster for me.

"And, what is it?" I got used to this. I mostly favoured Jess and they were mostly unfavourable for me but that's what best friends do. I love her and nothing else matters.

We have been roommates since college. We both know very well about each other, been through each other's smiles and tears, my partner in crime, my dear sister-like friend. We always support each other in any case. Mostly it was me, helping her. Her favours are always the weird ones or something that I'm incapable of.

Well, let's see, what it is this time.

" won't like it, but..." Oh, trust me, honey, I never liked it. "Can"

Interview. That's easy. But, who?

"I guess, I'm fine. More details, please." Please, not a celebrity.

"Well, a celebrity."

Isn't it obvious? Duh! Who else would I interview as a substitute for a person dealing with Hollywood? A celebrity. No shit, Sherlock.

"And?" I already wanted to refuse but I let her continue. Details, please.

"You won't like this one." Jess stuttered as she said it.

Trust me, I don't like any of this. I shrugged it off like I don't care.

Do I care?

"It's...well... Er...Angel.."

"Angel? We have the same name?" I gaped at her.

"No, silly. I...never mind. It's Zac. Zachary Holden."

Say what? It was like, 'Angel, kill yourself!'

"I'm not doing this. No way. Not a chance. Nope." I'm clearly done with this. I am not interviewing Zachary Jerk Holden.

"Angel, please! Come on, I'll get you those shoes that you saw in the mall. Remember?"

"Yeah, like three years ago." It was a cute pair of stiletto that I saw as we were passing through. Oh, and it was someday during our second year of college. See, how sensible my best friend is. Note the sarcasm!

"Right. It must be sold by now though." I saw Jess blinking at her own words. I kinda chuckled at her.

After a long silence, "Okay. I'll set you up with Jason, that guy you had a crush on. It was first year, right?" What is seriously up with this girl! Why is she messing with our college days? And Jason! Oh boy, no!

"Jess, I like your effort but it would be better if you don't try anything at all. Nothing can change my mind. I'm not doing it." Yep, that's final.

I saw her face turn a little upset. It really doesn't suit her. Jess is a happy person and she's always pumped up, excited and crazy but what I witnessed now was the total opposite of the 'signature Jess' thingy.

"Look, Jess, you know how much I hate celebrities and their life and blah blah. No offense to them but I just can't find it appealing. I hate it. I hate them. Straight as that and I've always tried to stay away from such things. But now, opposite, that's exactly what you are asking for. If you ask me why I hate all these and why I can't do this, even I can't answer you. I just don't know, I'm not sure myself with this issue. Oh, and that Holden, I just can't stand him. So, I'm sorry, Jess." I tried my best in explaining the thing.

"Angel, I promise, it won't be bad. Just once, give it a shot. Consider it like a change for yourself. Try. Come on, honey." Jess' motivation was kinda motivating. Must say, she's good at this.

"Well...let me think." I dragged each word as I looked around with uncertainty. Shall I give it a shot?

"Please, please. Pretty please, Angel. Just this one favour and I'll never ask for another one."

She told me this a thousand times already. I hate you so much, Jess.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes.

I'm about to do something that I never ever wanted to.

Interview a celebrity.

Oh my, God. Can I back off? Backing off. Beep! Beep! No? No.

Jess jumped and clapped with joy. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so very much. I love you so very much. I'm so very much lucky to have you." She hugged me tight, well, killer tight.

"Jess, it's so very much tight and I'm so very much dying." I tried speaking.

"OMG. I'm so very much sorry. Yay! I can't believe, you are doing it." She continued her happy dancing and screaming all over the place.

"Yep. I can't believe too, I'm doing this." I murmured to myself.

Zachary Holden. Angel Parker.

The jerk. The idiot.


"Give it a shot baby!" Jess motivated me again with so much enthusiasm.

Give it a shot.



Author's note :

O.M.G!! My second book. Yayyyyy!!

This is for all you readers. New book, new chapter, new characters, well, New Year!! Enjoy your new year treat.. I love you!

So, what do you think? Nice? Okay? Bad?

Fill me in with Votes / Comments.

Happy reading! XO

P.S : Just in case you think it's like Fifty Shades Of Grey, WELL IT'S NOT!!

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