•i just had to come back one last time•

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"Up those
Stairs in that
Little back bedroom
Is where I
did my homework"

×× Faith ××

I was awoken by a certain someone jumping on my bed in her Dora PJ's, "I'm up,I'm up!" I giggle as my three year old sister Ozzy grabs my hand and trys to drag me out of bed.

"OK why did you wake me up on the last day of summer?" I question  Ozzy who is currently grabbing my sneakers and handing them to me.

"Cause I wanna go to park and hangowt wit sissy" she said in a playful voice as I grab some clothes out of my drawer.

"OK go have Dannie get you dressed so we can go." I say as the three year old squeks and runs out of my room so I could get dressed.

About ten to fifteen minutes later I finish my make up and grab my phone before running downstairs to be met by my loving stepmom and father eating with my three other sibling.

You see I have one older siblings my brother
by the name of Adam and his pregnant fiancé Katty\Kat along with my one adorable little sister Ozzy and my stepmother Dannie and father Maxwell one of the most richest Gang leader in the U.S, yes I know I'm the gang leaders daughter get over it.

Any who I am greeted by my loving family and little sister jumping up and down in excitement as I grab my keys and a piece of toast but not before I kiss my Fathers and Mothers heads and greet my other siblings.


I pick up Ozzy and walk to my White Jeep while I set her in the back I feel the presents of another person.

"Hey Princess" my uncle Ron says as he hands me my purse," oh thanks I forgot I had that" I giggle as he kisses me on the forehead.

He leaves me and Ozzy on our way to the park.
I park my car and unbuckle Ozzy she clings to my neck as we walk past a group of boys playing soccer.she squirms around so I set her down and watch her play on the play set as I sit on a bench.

After a few hours she runs back to me and says
" I tired we go home?" I nod my head and pick her up and begin walking towards the car when I'm stopped by a really ugly boy in front of me. "Hey pretty lady" he says in a not so attractive voice. I ignore him and keep walking.

I set Ozzy in her car seat and hand her the yellow blanket she had from yesterday.the boy kept starring at me. "Is that your daughter babe?" He asked I role my eyes and ignore his question.

I get in the front seat and start the ignition I drive off and end up getting away from the group of very unattractive boys and make my way home.

I arrive home with a sleeping Ozzy in my arms I open the door and put my keys up and walk to her room. I set her down and walk to the door and turn off the lights.

I shut her door and walk back downstairs to see a fairly tall man in my Livingroom talking to my parents.

I walk cautiously to my parents side as they continue to talk to the man.
"Why does he want her?" My mother asks in a sad tone as I sit on the couch.

"His father madam" the man speaks as he looks over to me and then back to my mom.

"Can't we call off the deal I can't just give her away to some man who might be capable of killing her" my dad says as my older sibling look in fear at the man in front of my father.

"I'm sorry sir but a deals a deal" he growls as katty takes my hand and holds her babybump I sit in silence as I see my father turn to me with apologetic eyes.

"Faith go upstairs and pack your things" he says as my eyes go wide.

"W-why?" I stutter in shock of what my father had just said.

"Beacuase Mr.Grey is waiting for you" the words slip out of his mouth making my heart break into Millons of pieces.

"WHAT!" I scream as he looks down.
"I'm sorry but I made a bet with his father and lost" he answers truthfully.

"When?" I ask in a broken tone,
"Before your fourth birthday, he said that my  daughter was going to love his son and if I refuse he'd kill me and your mother" he said gesturing to my real mom who had died of cancer when I was five.

"How could you I thought you loved me! And who's his son anyway" I scream furious of what is happening. "Vince"  he yells as my green red eyes widen "V-Vince?" I ask myself the boy I fell in love with and I thought my father had killed him.

We fight about the subject until Ozzy stumbles in the room looking scared out of her mind.

"Sissy!" She Cry's and runs over to me hugging my legs tightly.
I glare at my father and pick up my little sister.

"Don't go sissy please" she whispers as I rock her back and fourth.

"I have to baby daddy wants to keep you safe so do I so I have to go ok." I say in a soft tone walking up the stairs to my bedroom and setting her on the bed.

"Why do daddy make you go?" She asks as I pack my clothes and makeup along with pictures and a small stuffed bear Ozzy gave me for my eighteenth birthday.

"Because angel" I say I pick her up and turn the lights out saying my goodbyes to the room I had made memories in.

I make my way downstairs I hug everyone goodbye and leave my heartbroken sister crying in kattys arms.

"Come on don't want to leave boss waiting.
I nod and get into the car.

I look back at the house that built me.
Tears glid down my face slowly. I put my
Head on the window and fall asleep


Hope you like it
Song~house that built me -maranda Lambert

1068 words yay

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