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[This is a submit for beautifultragedies 's Winter Nostalgia contest]

Everyone always thought winter was a time for fun, days off from school, gifts, and believing in Santa again. No one dared to look past the happiness, joy, and upbeat emotions that most people carried; no one dared to take notice to the people who were visibly hurting. They turned them down no matter what.

The hurt people of winter never mattered to anyone else, the hurt people were only there to drown in their sadness and wish for someone's happiness.

Emma never could get that happiness, she was a lost soul for all she thought. Every year, at the beginning of December, she'd have horrible nightmares, and they'd face her with memories she longed to relive. The memories where her parents were alive, and she hadn't been going to see a therapist, and she was a perfect little angel, during those days.

But those days were gone, they were long gone. All the memories ever did were follow Emma around, and when she tried to grasp at them, tried to remember, they would disappear, or fly out of her reach. In her mind, winter was a time for tragedy and nostalgia.

Winter was a time for the hurt people to long for the people and things that only existed in memories, winter was a time for sadness, grief and death. Winter is like the villain dressed up in a hero's costume. Unknown. No one knows about the villain's evil plans, or about who the villain plans to take, shatter, or turn into a snowflake. No one knew because every single person fell for the hero façade- except the broken people. The broken ones saw right through it, but they always struggle with Winter Nostalgia every time they face the villain with the hero façade.


A Time For Tragedy | #WCONTEST2015Where stories live. Discover now