Days in the Life of the Sight

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Everyone says time is fixed, that it can't be changed, that it can't be halted or started.

What they don't know is that every day it is changing, one moment in the future this person will marry that person, and the next they will become enemies and not see each other ever again.

Most people don't believe in people who see the future, people doubt it when people state things, nobody believes. But I do, I know, I believe.

Because I can see it.

It's not random flashes, it's not suddenly there and gone, it's always there, trailing on the other side f my vision. You probably want to have the Sight, don't you? You want to know what happens ten minutes from now, but it's not like that.

Sometimes if I focus hard enough, I can see a long way into the future, but most of the time it's a few moments, just enough to know what happens next.

You may say that this if a gift, something everyone would want, but it's not, it's nothing like that.

It's a curse.

I can't see my own future, and sometimes there's spots in other peoples future that doesn't add up, a lack of people, a shadow with no face, a reply that isn't heard.

I can't tell if I'll live to see tomorrow or if I'll die today, right at this moment.

I can already hear the ringing of the alarm in my head, I know what happens next by default, the Master comes up, banging the radiators with his long steel pipe as the alarm rings, waking everyone up.

At least I'll be awake then, I won't have to suffer the sudden shock of cold water over my face if I sleep in.

This is what happens when you live in the largest boarding school.

But I guess that's ok, seeing I have my only friend, the only one that believes that my fast 'reflexes' or my vast knowledge isn't just from skill, it's from the Sight.

Time to begin, the alarm is ringing.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2013 ⏰

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