Courtneys POV

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  Hey everybody I'm Courtney and this is my story before the worst day ever happened.


       Hi everyone one I'm 15 and having a great life!! I get all a's I'm a cheerleader ( but not stuck up not to affend anyone) and I have a boyfriend. But every night this man sneaks in my house and rapes me !!! It makes me feel less confident and one day im afraid my dad is going to find out! And the worst part is he is really ugly but I'm pregnant!! My dad is going to find out and he is probably going to go make me love and live with that pedefile!! I am really scared of what my friends Florecent ,Melony, and Jordan are going to think and mostly MY BOYFRIEND!!!  I am so scared but I am trapped inside but being pregnant was not fairly the worst part! And neither was being raped. So let's move on I have a little 14 year old sister that is a dancer and thinks that she is better than everyone else SHE GETS ON MY NERVES and she smokes and does DRUGS I always tell her to stop and give her talks but she doesn't listen she is addictive to heroin and meth but I can't stop her and neither can my dad . She knows about the pedefile Rob but I can't tell anyone about the smoking or drugs or she will tell about rob which I don't want anyone to know about!

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