The Heat

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It was freezing. The cool winter chill was nipping and biting at our exposed skin. Jamie, and I were searching the cardboard boxes and garbage that littered the alley like abandoned streamers and confetti from a party. Our desperate search for anything of use to us left us with nothing but a tattered and stained blanket. It wouldn't provide much warmth but we'd take what we could get. Reluctantly we started to move towards the abandoned train carts to find a place to crash for the night. It wasn't the worst place to go but it wasn't the friendliest either. My short fingers began to tremble at the thought of what would have happened last time if Jamie hadn't been there to protect me.

I shook the thought away as i saw a shimmer of light peeking out from under a trash can lid. We went over and found it was a little dirt covered glass ball. I carefully picked it up, It was small enough that it could fit snuggly into the palm of my hand. Little speckles of a warm orange glow emanated from the places where the grime of the alley hadn't smothered it. I wondered where it had come from.

Jamie took the ball off me and started to rub the dirt off revealing more orange and yellow light. The beated up blanket slipped from his grasp as his long pale fingers started to tighten on the ball. His face begun to change as well. The sight of him made my bruised forehead crease into a frown. Jamie was always so calm and controlled. Now his dark blue eyes had a dangerous glint in them and his crooked teeth were clenched. It was the same look he had worn while throwing Tommy against the wall for laying his fist into my head.

It scared me.

I reached out to take the ball from him and moved my small figure backwards trying to force him to let go of it. The ball started heating up and burning my fingers as i grabbed at it harder. Jamie yanked it out of my hands with a vicious tug. His cold eyes flashed up to my shocked face as he growled. A sound so inhuman i flinched back against the familiar alley wall. A look of hurt flashed in my deep green eyes as i tried to make sense of the situation.

Before i could say anything to calm him down, which i seemed to always have to do when he got like this, before i could even take a step toward his tall figure he had spun on his heel and darted off into the shadows of the alley. that strange glimmering ball still grasped possesively in his hands. My long, grungy dark hair sticking to the brick wall of the alleyway as i watched him go feeling emptier and colder by the second.

That was the last time I saw him before The Heat took over.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2012 ⏰

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