The Fallan Secret

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I live in isolation. It's easier this way. Some would say that 19 is too young to be so alone. I disagree. When everyone stares at you, at the scars, and your eyes, you tend to find it easier living alone.

I was born on Naxos Island, Greece. The 21st of June 1993 was a day of celebration, my birthday. Though it was not to be a happy day for much longer.

**FLASHBACK** mothers POV.

My bebe, I sighed holding my tiny daughter in my arms. After 7 years of trying I finally had my miracle. I looked toward Alix, my husband for so long now, was consumed with complete adoration for the tiny baby girl I now held in my arms. "What shall we call her love?" I ask him knowing he has already held two possible names in his mind from the day we found out I was with child. "Anthea Castalia Fallan." He says with pride. I can hear it in his voice; he is already in love with our baby. "It's beautiful, she suits it well." I say knowing that she will be the most amazing child the world will ever see.

"No!!! It's the solstice! Castalia you must run!!!!" I turn sharply towards the door, twisting around in my bed. "Emiliana. Leave now before I get Alix to take you away. You know you are not welcome in my home." I say. My sister's face is deathly pale as she views my little angel, her sleep disturbed in my arms as she starts to screw up her tiny face in anticipation of what is sure to be a phenomenal wail. "Oh no Casta, no no no no no..." she starts to slide to the ground. Her face in her hands. "Everyone out" I say. Knowing that the following conversation should not be heard by humans. Alix stays and I know he will not leave, not while I still hold our only child in my arms. "Casta, you know what will happen next! You must run! Flee to where they cannot touch her!" Emiliana says to me and though I hate to admit it I know she is right. "Where Emiliana? Where can they not find her?" I ask my sister desperately. Despite the fact that I do not trust or even like my youngest sibling I know she is right about them coming for her. They will come and it will be hell for her. "My little silver star, you are so amazing, you will bring the world to their knees. But not today my sweet angel. Not today. Today we must leave our little paradise and go to the city where they dare not go. Where must we go Emiliana?" I ask with guarded reserve. "To New Orleans. When she has five years of age it will be safe to leave. Then take her to the forests, she will be safe in any forest there. Naxos is too dangerous now. News of her birth has already reached them. GO NOW!!" I move to leave my bed and Alix is already there helping my, still tired legs stand. He holds out a vile and I drink the contents quickly, my energy returning with every step. "Goodbye Castalia, know that she will be safe there. I hear Jubilee lake, Oregon is lovely all year round." She says and I know that she will be safest there. "Thank you Emiliana. We will leave now." I turn and see that Alix has already packed everything we will need. We clasp hands and walk towards the silver light. Three people, far from ordinary, running from Them.


I grew up in New Orleans, the French quarter seemed most like home I suppose to my parents. After all, they did move back there last year. When I was 10 we left the city and moved to Jubilee Lake. Thousands of miles away, 2,436 miles to be exact. It should have taken us 36 hours with no stops to reach the place I now call home but it took us mere seconds. How? We are Fallan. Well my mother and I are at least. My father is Alpha Alix Fallan, Alpha of the Greek island of Naxos and beta to the alpha of the ágios pack in Jubilee Lake, Oregon . He chose to take my mothers last name so to honour her Angelic heritage. My mother is Castalia Aurora Fallan. She comes from a strange parentage like mine. Her mother is Fae and her father Angel. So I am unique. I am Fae, Angel and wolf shifter. My blood makes me special but it also makes me a target. For them. I was never told who they are only that I should fear the possibility of them finding me. So I do. So I hide. So I cower.

I have never met the Alpha of the ágios pack I am now a part of. I know his name of course. I know everyone's names. But I have never met him. Alpha Daemon Ryder. 21 years of age. Known heartbreaker with the nickname or category of "player", he has many sexual conquests continuously, each woman with the desire to "tame" the badboy Alpha. I laugh at their thoughts and their whispers. Only when he finds his mate will be tamed. Only she can stop him from breaking hearts all over Oregon.

Sometimes I sit and wonder if I will have a mate. Somewhere out there but I know I am more likely to have an etaíros. A partner. For angels and Fae you have an etaíros that is destined for you. Like a mate only with an etaíros you can only have one child. That one child is your heir and lifeline. With mates, children are precious and to have 3 or 4 is not uncommon. I wish I had a mate. To have an etaíros is not as strong of a bond like mates. But I know it is unlikely.

You may be wondering why I live alone, that is fair and my answer is plain. I am beautiful. Powerful and beautiful. It is a dangerous combination to have in my world where power is alpha and beauty means lineage. The stronger your bloodline the more beautiful you are. This is a curse for me. They are looking for me. And if I reveal my true self, I become an easy target. So I hide, beneath my façade, behind my mask. Why do they want me you may ask? Well for starters I am ischýs. The first ischýs, in fact in 693 years. The last one of my kind was proud, too proud. She showed her face to all who saw her and for that Thiracea Van Hein was found.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2016 ⏰

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