My life poem!!! [LOVE IS BLIND]

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I know I'm bad,
I know I'm mad,
I know I'm not pretty,
I know I've no quality;
But my heart is soft-
Its just for you,
Can't forget you any more.

Everything is in my heart;
But there is a big gap;
The gap is because of you.

When I see you my heart starts beating;
And when you come closer to me I start to stammer;
And when you talk with me I become a pillar;
And when 'you' talk,my ear only hear your voice.

But you broke my heart;
But its fine;
Be happy always;
And always be successful in your life.

When 'you' smile;
I smile,
When 'you' cry;
I cry.

My heart throbs,
But you don't see the tears,
But I cry!I cry!I cry!

I really can't forget you,
I love you;
And just see love is blind.

I'll be waiting for you throughout my life;
And I'll love you for a......thousand,billion years.

Be a nice person in your life,
Be happy, successful and truthful.

{Actually I wrote this poem when I was in class seven so its kind childish right? Never mind. Bye! :)}

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