Chapter 1 - Who is she?

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Hey I hope you like my story I worked really hard on this story.

This is what Vanessa is wearing in the Chapter:

Vanessa looks like Selena Gomez

Ok I'll let you start now :)



Nessa's POV

So today is the day I leave my home I'm no longer Vanessa Elena Rivera I will now be "La Princesa de la Música Latina". Great! Nope I'm scared, freaking out and I don't want to be a princess not a real one or even "La Princesa de la Música Latina " at least to Latin people they love my fathers, my uncles and my bros. DY (Daddy Yankee) told me he is sending a body guard to watch out for me until I get to Miami I think his name is Paul.

Zayn's POV

We are in Miami recording they mostly only speak Spanish at this studio considering we are at Sony Music Latin. I still don't know why Uncle Si sent us here of all places to record but ok. He has been trying to work on his Latin market. There's some guy he is always talking to I think his name is Daddy Yankee (strange name these Latin people) about this girl who is like the Princess of Latin Music. Who is She? Paul is still trying to stop Harry and Louis to throwing food at each other and Niall is yelling at them to save the food Liam is just laughing at them I sometimes wonder why I talk to these people.

Uncle Si walks in "Boys stop!!!!!" How does he do that in a snap they were clam.

"Paul I'm sending you to Dallas to pick up a girl" what girl? "oh Si you got me a girl why thank you" Harry being his cheeky self "no Harry this girl is very important none of you can mess with her or annoy her she is considered a Princess" "she's a Princess so does that mean only I can date her" Niall still waiting for his Princess "NOO! She has to be happy at all times and gets whatever she wants" I hope she is not a brat "so Simon what do you want me to do?" " Paul your leaving in 1 hr and going to Dallas to pick her up and bring her back here she gets whatever she wants and keep her happy"

"what's her name?" "Vanessa Elena Rivera Her father is Don Omar and her godfather is Pitbull. Enrique Iglesias, and Daddy Yankee are pretty much her uncles. Also Prince Royce and Romeo are pretty much her brothers" "why is she a Princess?" said Liam while standing up "her father, uncles, and brothers almost run the Latin music world "so why is she important?" Louis asking the obvious question "why have we not heard of her? And why are we here?" still clueless here "Louis, she can get her fathers, uncles, and brothers to collaborate with my signers so my Latin market can grow. Zayn, she has been hidden until now to be normal. The resin you boys are here's is to show her that this label is fun and exciting so her dad, uncles, and brothers to collaborate with my signers" "isn't Romeo the guy that did the song with usher" Liam like usher "yes only labels and certain celebrities know about her and have met her"

"how old is she?" Uncle Si laughs "this is the best none of you can have her really unless you want to date a 16 year old girl" "age is just a number" says the guy that dated a woman who could be his mother "you cannot blow this Island Records are also trying to collaborate with them and she is like Selena Gomez's and Justin Beiber's baby sister and he is signed to that label you boys have to make her love it here" why do we get the hard work "and how do we do that?" "Here is a list of her favorite things. She loves Justin, Selena, and Demi and doesn't know who One Direction is. So make a good first impression, come on Paul" "I'll be back in a couple of hours behave yourselves and read the list"

They leave and start look at the list when some guy walks in

"The list bull I know what she likes" I am guessing he is Daddy Yankee "ok? Are you Daddy Yankee?" "Yea I am so I want to make a princess happy, so what do you want to know?" "What are her favorite movies?" Liam hopping for a Disney buddy "easy, any Disney movie mostly classics and toy story. She likes love actually, the notebook, Grease, lord of the rings, Harry potter and a walk to remember. Next?" "What her favorite food and stuff" Niall just wants someone to eat with "she eats a ton but is like the skinniest person ever, she loves carrots which is strange because it blind as a bat, any cupcakes and pasta. She loves to cook and bake and is very good if I might add" "what kind of music dose she like?" "That's hard she is mostly into the old stuff and all of her dads, Pits, uncles, bros and mine. But if she starts to hang out with you she will get into it your music like what she did with Selena and Justin"

"what's the deal with them?" what can I say im curious "ok Nessa is really into art and reading so she went to a charity thing with Royce and it was hosted by Justin and Selena. Selena had already meet Nessa before but only a hi and bye, but at the thing they became really good friends so Justin started calling her his baby sis because Nessa looks just like Selena its crazy so it just stuck with them so she is really close to the too." "why she is called a princess?"

" because her dad is "El Rey" and Prince Royce is like her brother, Pitbull is known as Mr. Worldwide and I'm sometimes call the big boss so whenever we see her she is treated like one so Enrique and Romeo stated calling her that so we kept it"

" what dose she look like " "oh that another thing none of you boys can date her without asking permission from all of us she is our everything" damn

Daddy Yankee laughs "she looks way older than she is she's like 5'7 has curly light brown-red hair, brown-green eyes and sometimes wears glasses like I said almost Selena's twin , also *exhales* ok here is the thing I know she's 14 but she has all of our names tattooed on her wrist four on one side and four on the other and some other ones" "what are they and why?" maybe a have someone to go get tattoos with now "she sometimes thinks that she is not loved because her mother didn't want her so when she was 10 she started to cut we did know until one day she cut to deep and she was in the hospital so we sent her to rehab and when she got out we put our names on her wrist so whenever she thinks about cutting she will see our names and think about how much that hurts us and that she is loved" she's been through a lot "what other one does she have?" "I don't know I think she has like 5 more so any more questions" "is she single?" "I don't think so last time I checked she was dating Austin Mahone the up and coming singer from Texas" "so why has she been hidden" "when we got her we thought it was best for her to have a normal childhood not one in clubs with flashing lights and stuff" "oh ok"

"just don't annoy her and you will be fine and she will be staying with you guys for 6 months" "WHAT!?!?!?!?!?" we all say together "Simon's idea not mine she going to be with you for a month here and then when you guys start your American tour" why Simon why? "Anything we need to know?" "yes she has a really bad temper any of you know Spanish, Arabic, French, Mandarin, Russian, or Japanese and a little bit of Korean "

Me: I know Arabic

Harry: I know French

Niall: I know a little bit of Spanish

"ok than don't be surprised if she starts to cusses you out in that or starts to talk in those languages" " why " "she is multilingual" "How dose she know all of those languages she's only 16!!!" Liam says only knowing one "we have no cool she is really smart she has already graduated high school she is like a sponge she remembers almost everything" "how did you figure it out?" "She was getting really pissed at us so she stated talking random stuff and Prince recorded her so we put it into Google translate and we found out she was cussing at us." I want to try that if she gets mad at us "she sounds lovely" "she really is just piss don't her off and don't touch her phone or laptop" "Why?????" " just don't trust me ok I have to go but just keep in mind what I told you and ohhh she love nutella bye boys"

Nessa's POV

I feel bad for Paul he has to go on a two and back trip in a day. I was told to wait by the desk

"Vanessa?" some guy behind me says I'm guessing Paul "yes! Are you Paul?" "yes, yes I am" he looks nice "here I got you some coffee and food I'm sorry they made you come just to ride back with me I told them they didn't have too and please call me Nessa" "how kind and it's ok it's my job are you ready to go Nessa" I just nodded

We boarded the plane it was only a 3 hr ride so I want to sleep so 2 hr after that I'm no longer the old me

" can you please wake me up in 2 hrs?" "Sure than I can tell you about the boys" boys what boys "BOYS!?!?!?!!?" Paul laughs "I'll tell you about them when you wake up. Ok?" I just nod

Time to sleep good night old life?


Ok so I really hope you like please Vote and Comment so I know I'm writing to at least on person :)


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