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Once Upon A Time...

In a far off land, there lived a young girl named Erestil. She was a very beautiful girl, only 4 years old, with long flowing golden hair, and wide green eyes. Her parents were mere peasants who lived in the small Elvin village of Elwood, surrounded by forests with tall Redwood trees. It was very rare for something new to happen in Elwood, and the elves there were not used to visitors.

Erestil didn't have many friends in her village. Everyone thought she was a bit odd, for she never talked. She was very shy and only spoke to her parents. Her mother, Maeves, had elegant brown hair, and narrow hazel eyes, while her father, Daeron, has luscious chocolate locks, and ice blue eyes. It was rather odd that Erestil looked nothing like her parents, however no one questioned it.

Years went by and Erestil grew into a beautiful young maiden. She still didn't talk much, however all the men in the village were very fond of the graceful and fair girl. Erestil was completely oblivious to everyone though, keeping to herself, like always.

At sunset one day, Erestil went out to the river to wash the clothes of her family. She arrived and gently set the basket of clothes down, humming to herself. The wind brushed the trees like a mother to her new born baby, and birds of all different species chirped in harmony to their own song. Her long hair, straight as a pin, swayed in the wind along with the trees and she felt herself relax into the ways of the nature around her.

Peace surrounded her, engulfing her in a feeling of warmth that she only got at moments like this, surrounded by nature. She became aware of the soft cushion of leaves underneath her, preventing her knees from bruising, protecting her like nature always had, as she knelt by the river. The ice cold water tingled her fingertips as she reached in, rubbing the fabric of her tunic together, cleansing it.

However, her peaceful moments were soon disturbed when she heard the unfamiliar quick stampeding of hooves beating the ground in the distance. Erestil rose from the riverside grass, and looked around, trying to find the source of the sound. Erestil had heard about horses, but had never seen one, for they were the animals of wealth and royalty.

She picked up her basket, holding it against her waist, and rushed towards her village. When she arrived, she saw a group of men, all clothed in rich velvet cloaks, and shining silver armor, sitting on horses. She couldn't believe her eyes. Though as much as she wanted to approach the horses, she held herself back, knowing it might not end well, by the looks on the large men sitting on them.

"We are looking for Erestil Orelben." The leaders voice boomed throughout the village square. "Whoever brings her forth will receive a gallon of kravecs" he finished with a cold glare on his face. Erestil started to panic when she saw the villagers gasp and whisper to each other. She knew that kravecs were the highest, and most valuable type of currency, and was mostly used by the wealthy.

Suddenly, a girl the same age as Erestil came forward. "Oh her?? That odd one is probably in the forest somewhere hiding from everyone like always." She said with a sneer. Erestil recognized her as Doleth Distar, a girl who had always hated her very much.

Doleth was always jealous of how graceful and beautiful Erestil was, and hated her for it. However, Erestil did not know this, and always felt horrible, worrying if she had done something wrong to Doleth.

Lost in her train of thought, Erestil didn't notice the large, burly man behind her until she felt a gentle hand rest on her shoulder. She quickly yanked herself out of the strangers grasp, letting out a small Yelp of surprise. Her eyes widened at the sight of the leader.

Up close, he looked like a much nicer man, with a mop of blonde locks on his head, and a gruff beard on his chin. His green eyes held a certain kindness that Erestil had never seen before. "Erestil.." the man whispered, a silent tear escaping his eye. His voice calmed her, and she felt the familiar feeling of warmth rushing through her, the feeling she only got when surrounded by nature.

"You must come with me, you are needed somewhere else my child" he said in a hushed voice, the tears coming faster now. Erestil observed the man, from his sorrow filled eyes, which were swirling with emotion, to the small droplets of tears caught in his beard.

"Who are you..?" Erestil said. She had never spoken to anyone other than her parents, however the man did not know this and just continued to stare at her with a fatherly love in his eyes. "You shall find out soon enough" he said, his face now red and his eyes puffy from crying. He choked on a sob and turned his face away from her. Erestil was very confused but somehow felt for the man.

"I will come with you," she said, her gentle voice carrying on in the wind, softer than the lightest of feathers. The man sighed in relief, but she continued. "On the condition that you let me say my final goodbyes to my family." She said with a strong voice full of authority, a voice that belonged to a queen and not a mere peasant like she was.

The man looked at her slightly shocked, but said "Of course, my lady." Erestil lifted herself gently from the ground and gracefully walked out of the forest, aware of the whole villages eyes on her. Her steps were small, and with her tunic flowing behind her it seemed as if she was floating.

When she reached her parents, she embraced them tightly and whispered in their ears, "I must say leave, it is not to my knowledge as to where I am going, nor why, but I can feel that this is my destiny." Erestil whispered softly, her voice smoother than silk. Her parents knew this day would come, even if Erestil did not. It broke their hearts to see her go, but they knew this was meant to be, and their jobs were done.

With one last wave, she walked towards the horse that the man was on. She saw the horses large knowing eyes stare at her as she got closer. Reaching out a hand tentatively, she stroked the horses mane gently, whispering kind words into its large ears. "His name is Agaron." The man said from on top of the large animal.

"Agaron" Erestil said in a soft voice, testing the name out. She felt the name roll off her tongue. "I like that name" she said. Agaron snorted as if to say thanks. The man held out his hand from on top of the horse. "Come, my child. It is time." He said as Erestil grabbed his hand and mounted the horse.

"Are you ready?" The man asked in a warm voice. "Go, before I change my mind." she responded, knowing full well she would jump off and run back to her parents any minute, she needed to go now. The man pulled the reigns of Agaron, and bumped his foot to the horses side, and it started to gallop. Following behind were all the other back up men who had come along on the way to Elwood.

Erestil looked off into the sky and watched, completely mesmerized by the glowing sun dipping down into the horizon. She felt a single tear escape, but brushed it off before it could be seen. She had to be strong, even if she didn't feel it. She knew, somehow, that this was her destiny, this is what she has to do. She could just feel it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2015 ⏰

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