School and a "Party"

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It had started, what everyone feared after seeing any zombie movie, show, commercial, you name it. It hit so hard people wondered how anyone in the area, in ground zero, could have survived. This place called promontory in British Columbia. It had recently started getting denser with more and more people.

I apologize, my name is... Well actually I don't think it's really allowed at this point.  I guess the government doesn't want it getting everywhere. For now just call me Devin.
                  Before apocalypse

It was report card day at school which meant two things: lecture/beating from my parents and the end of school!! I saw my best friend Pepsi. Yes, legit, his parents named him after a soda brand I call him Pep for short. "Hey Pepsi! How ar-" I said. "Don't call me that" he interrupted. "Fine fine. Anyway how are the grades?" I said "Eh not so bad this year, other than the fact that I got straight A's!" He almost shouted in excitement. "Holy shit! Nice job!" I said. "Yea I know. So how about your grades?" He asked. "Uhhh couple of C's one F then the rest B's" I said mostly honest. "Oh damn. Well life goes on right? For example I've been invited to an end of the year party and I'm allowed a guest!" He said. "Oh really!who are you bringing?" I asked. "Who else would I bring other than youuuur mom" he said. "Oh shut up dude. She's too old anyway" I said in defense. "Aw crap there's my bus I'll see you later, bye" he said. "Bye" I said. Great there goes my only friend now what do I do? I listed the options through my head: hide from steroid jocks, wallow in self pity, go to the library... Talk about good choices I guess library counts as hiding too,f- it. I started walking to the school at least I wouldn't have to travel far but then I saw her. She was beautiful, smart, funny, perfect. She was in all of my classes last year but not this one. "Hey buddy something catch your eye?" Kevin, the lead steroid had seen me gazing. "Uhh. No I I wasn't looking at anything Kevin" I said with fear. "Really cause it looked like you were staring at hmm lets see, my girlfriend" he said. Ugh, why was she dating that freak. Claire and I used to text a lot in grade 7 and 8 but then once she met him she stopped and just left me. "Well there's my mom so bye" I quickly said and slipped away. He stopped me and said "that's your mum? She's hot" "Thanks" I said sarcastically.

It was 4:30 pm and Pep had just got to my house to hang out. "Hey mom can Pep and I have a sleepover?" I called. "It's a school night dear" she replied. "So it's my like anything important ever happens there" I said trying to change the inevitable outcome. "But what if that girl Claire leaves her boyfriend for you?" She said not knowing of the embarrassment. "Ugh mom did you have to say that?" I could hear pep laughing histarically in the background. "Alright fine I'll say you're sick but if you get detention it's your fault. "Ok thankyou!!!! Did that actually just happen?!" I asked Pep. "Oh wait, what about-" "they won't care" he cut me off in a cold, dark, tone. I always forget that his mom is a "widow" her husband died and she's married to some asshole to the both of them. Alright

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2015 ⏰

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