Love knot chapter 3

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 On the right is Jeremy omg!!


Ugh home, the only place in the world that never gets old. But having a fourteen-year old sister has its perks and has its let downs.

Bridget, as we might say is the -I love boys and secrets- type. She’s preppy, perky, hyper, and super curious about everything. She isn't quiet or that intelligent like me.

She thinks books kill trees and prefers the Kindle. I would want to go to Paris for my honeymoon and while she wants to go to the Bahamas.

We are totally different, except for our irresistible, but mildy hot looks.

We both have the same long black wavy hair and stormy grey eyes. And our cheeks turn pink in a flash once we're embarrassed.  I think  blushing runs in the family.

Anyway, I'm trying to do all my homework and here comes Mom and Bridget with a whole new pack of bras. Pretty random right!

Obviously, mom buys all the bras the same size even though I’m one year older than Bridget. It's cheaper and she gets to use her one month supply of coupons.

I’ve always been sick of these tight bras, so Cammy buys mine from Victoria's secret that are truly my size. Life is so much easier with Cammy around.

"Hey sis, how come you have no date to Red and Black Night Dance; your body looks great!" Bridget says, as if she had bowtox on her face.

She's such an idiot, trying to butter me up, but there must be a catch.

" What do you want?" I groaned, while of course doing the occasional rolling of eyes.

“Well those new black pumps, some Mac foundation, diamond hoop earrings, and Jeremy's fraternal twin; Mick" she finishes while taking a small breath.

She lists all the things and I'm nodding until I hear the word Mick.

“You can have everything, watch the pumps though, and by the way I don't own Mick, what are you gonna do with him?" I snickered.

 " Well I'm going to do LOTS of things with him if he could be my date to the dance. You know him and Jeremy. You write about them all the time in your diary, Oops!" she cuffed her hands on her face.

She is SO dead "What! You read my diary! Stop going through my stuff and peronal items you FREAK!" i screamed.

She slowly was backing off towards the door to escape.

" Ugh Bridget I have feelings, and I like to express them personally. What do you not understand about that?" i sighed.

My face of course is as pink as a fresh blossomed tullip. But not in the happy or peppy way you think.

“What I don’t understand is, that you write all these gushy lovey dovey poems and stories, but never have the time or courage to make what's written on paper, a reality!" she explained

My face was filled with rage and anger. Who is she to tell me what to do?

"You’re just jealous because you've never been in love before!" she smiled, because Bridget was satisfied with her deadly comment; I however was not.

While I was running with a wet towel and slapping Bridget's face and pulling her hair off, I constantly asked myself the question.

Am I really that desperate?

And what if I already fell in love, but didn't know it?

I guess I'll never really know.

I hope I meet that someone special soon. 

Am I really that big of a loser? 

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