Knights in Shining

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My heart beats to the rhythm of yours
Every step you make takes me higher
Before we've met, my love was yours
From echoes of laughter, I was your choir
I'd conquer my pain, and cried for yours
Every stumble you took, I was to be a fighter
My joys pale to see the joys that are yours
Taught me how to soar, so I could be your flyer
From the strength you didn't know was yours
And humbled enough to be your crier-
My heart beats to the rhythm of yours
Let my embrace keep you dryer,
Let my love keep you higher,
Let laughter be your choir,
Let the stumbles show you a fighter,
Yet, humbled enough to be a crier,
Let happiness be what you desire,
And let your heart beat-
Let it beat to the rhythm that is yours
My heart beats to the rhythm of yours
My knights in shining armor

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2015 ⏰

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