" Analyse "

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My name is Analyse. I am the 29th person in line to take over my coven. The 2nd woman to be in charge.

Unlike the mere mortal, my childhood was learning about the crafts of war-for exmple, which sword was best in battle or learning how to survive when running away. I was a 'girl.' A fact that bothered many of the men in our tribe. How could a girl protect us? A question that left many of the men angered by the unfortunate sole offspring of a respected leader. I had many bruises and burns to prove my determination Despite my calm nature, my body was trained to fight a thousand battles.And It was soon that my strength would be magnified. We all shifted into a full werewolf on our 18th birthday.

Mine was next week.

The trees silently played with the wind, swaying with fluency; left and right. The sky started spitting as I danced with the wind . I was struggling  to contain my excitement.

Mortals thought it was strange for rain to come once every blue moon. No one knew that the rain signified a transition; a pup to a fully grown werewolf. The rebirth we called it.

My body tingled while my joints  momentarily expanded. I could feel the energy surging through my veins as I continued to glide along with the pumping music coming from the light taper of the rain.

A tall, staggering figure lurked in the shadow like a hunger-driven reptilian stalking its prey. Alex, of course.

I heard  his voice behind me, his tone  with an edge of finality  "Analyse I'm sure dancing is meant to be fun, but are you sure your not trying to entice me with the idea of marriage?"

I answered, with nothing but sacarsm
"Of course Alex, I was scared to fall unbelievably in love with you" My eyes glowing a rich glistening red.

He laughed, amidst my failed attempt of being somewhat intimidating "You always know how to humour me Analyse. Anyway, Alpha Rewn is requesting your return, so better get back to daddy Alpha."

I turned around and he was gone, but that was Alex and his abilities of being a fully grown werewolf. He could move with the speed of light. Maybe even faster.

Sounds of wood snapping could be heard in the distance. Our district was infamously known for supplying the best wooden hand-made swords. All species had to make a living- even us werewolves.

I used my heightened abilities to swish pass the mountains of trees. My body moving faster than any average human could spot. We were undetectable to them. A blur in the shadows.

A booming voice snapped me out my thought trail, " Analyse, I have been gathering everyone to summon you to the house. Where were you?" My father was a humble man. His sleek grey, hair was in an assembled ponytail. His attire was simple but formal. A burgundy top etched with the delicate pattern of our tribal wear: erudiam we called it.

I spoke respectively " Sorry Father, I just got carried away dancing in the shadows. Rain comes rarely that I forgot about the reaping. Forgive me."

I bowed my head to show my undying respect. In return, he exchanged a faint smile. He said sincerely "I remember when I was a mere boy, all I cared about was increasing in responsibility. I'm proud of the free-spirited woman you are becoming Analyse. Your mother would be proud." My heart beat rapidly against my chest, a brief moment of sadness caused words to be trapped in my throat.

I answered whispering " Thank you Father. "

He said " that does not mean it doesn't give me a rage of emotions when you are constantly late. What did I say this morning?"

I stared at him, my lips pursed to suggest my innocence " I am sorry my amazing, kind hearted father"

He grinned, despite his infuriation with my capability of going anywhere on time " well next time, I expect you to be on standard werewolf time - which is impeccably early. Do I make myself clear!"

My shoulders slugged, I answered " I will try my best to be somewhat punctual."

He nodded and said " follow me now pup, it's almost midnight and I have yet to stress the importance of what turning 18 means."

My wolf laughed. My whole life I had been preparing for this moment. So, forgive my wolf for not taking years of hardwork as I sign to be eating away my nerves ( not that eating a beef burger didn't make me shiver in delight.)

I snapped out of it. The inner-wolf was a vital extension of being a werewolf. Not only did it help in sticky situations, but it strung empathy and care. An emotion needed to be a caring leader. How easy it is to be self-absorbed? Leonard Howlard was an example of what being a terrible leader does to you . Howlard, is an elderly leader in the next village. When I was 5 years old, he made me go to a small lecture he was giving me on how to be a great werewolf. The lecture was all about how he was 'the best alpha they had in years. ' Ignorance is certainly not a virtue!

In Somerset, we have 3 tribes. All part of the Kiyumari.

The Kiyumari, the night walkers and the crescent were the triad group of werewolves. We all had our strengths and weaknesses. An alpha possessed the highest power in each group: the ability to having heightened abilities. Just ask my dad.

The first time my father had used his abilities, he was 18. He told me that he had just exchanged vows with my mother and he lent down to bring a plate of food over to my mother (a bundle of chicken stuffing he bought previously.) While handling the chicken, he legitimately broke the plate in half.


A reason why my good relationship with my father will stay perfectly intact.

For the Kiyumari, we all had unmatchable speed. Running the distance of a thousand kilometres seemed like a quick jog for our strongest wolves. Our weakness was a herbal plant found in the north region: kashwar. Kashwar was a lilac coloured plant. Only humans had the ability to touch Kashwar. A single scent, a single drop and a single waft of Kashwar left us powerless. But no mortal would ever come across the southern parts of lakewood, especially by all the tales of murderous-like creatures

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2017 ⏰

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