The Accident

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Scott's POV

I look up from Tumblr to see Mitch come out of the bathroom and stretch across my lap.

"Can I help you?" I say sarcastically as he stretches even further, looking like Wyatt after he wakes up.

"Why yes you can. I do believe that a few people are coming for dinner tonight, am I not correct?"

I look at the clock on the wall. "Shit, is it already 6?" I say, gently pushing the small man off of my lap, and standing up.

Mitch lays on the couch so his head and shoulders hang off of the end. "In about... 5 minutes it will be."

"Crap, I need to take a shower. You start dinner and I'll go hop in real quick." I say running into my room.

He comes and stands in the doorway. "Sir, yes sir!" He says, marching into the kitchen.

He is so adorable.

I grab my clothes and climb into our shared shower. The warm water rushing over my skin feels like bliss after a long day of recording. As I get out and get dressed, I listen through the door and hear Mitch quietly humming "Light In The Hallway" to himself. He is too cute. I open the door and slide across the kitchen counter.

"Need any help?" I say, reaching my finger into the bowl of sauce laying on the counter.

"I need" he slaps my hand away, giggling slightly, "You to  stop eating dinner before it's ready."

I laugh and hop off the counter, lightly bumping Mitch away from the stove, allowing me to stir the pot. "You need to go clean up now, mister Don't Eat Dinner Until It's Ready." I laugh, pushing him lightly towards the bathroom.

"Fine. Just don't mess up my beautiful dinner" he replies, laughing under his breath. As he walks away, I can't help but watch his tiny little ass.

You can't blame me, it is irresistible.


Just as I'm playing dinner, I hear a knock at the door.

"Mitch, they're here!" I shout over the music blaring from Mitch's room.

"Be there in a sec!" He yells from the other room.

I open the door and Avi, Kevin and Kirstie walk in, greeting me happily.

"IM STARVING! Did Mitch make his Parmesan Chicken again?" Avi asks, sitting at the coffee bar.

"Yeah it's almost done. Kevin, can you set the table?" I ask.

"Sure thing." He says, grabbing the silverware and setting it up on the table.

We all proceed to have dinner, Kirstie getting a little tipsy, and they go back to their apartments.


"Yeees, Scotty?"

"Can we go out? I feel like bowling?"

"Scott, you suck at bowling." He replies laughing.

"Doesn't mean I can't try" I say, walking into the kitchen where he's drinking his nightly camomile tea.

"Okay whatever. Just let me finish my tea." He says, walking into the tv room.


As were waiting for our Uber to arrive, we sat against the wall of our apartment building.

"Hey Scott, I dare you to pretend to hitch-hike and then if anyone pulls up, just walk back over here and pretend nothing happened."

"What the hell, where did that come from" I say, laughing.

"I don't know, just do it!"

I sigh, but proceed to walk to the curb and stock my thumb out. After a minute, a car pulls up and I, following Mitch's request, walk calmly back to Mitch as if nothing happened. The driver gives a very puzzled look and pulls of, leaving me and Mitch on the ground in fits of laughter.

See? This is our sense of humor.

"Okay Mitch. Your turn."

He laughs and walks to the curb, thumb out.

"Hold on, I don't think they can see me from here" he says, stepping a little further into the street.

"Just be careful Mitchy" I say, watching him from where I stand.

The thing is, no one could protect Mitch from the truck barreling from the other side of the street over towards Mitch.

I watch in slow motion as his body crumples against the huge truck, his legs snapping in every direction, his body flying into the wall beside me.

Everything stops as I run to him and watch him shut his eyes, blood flowing from huge gashes everywhere on his body.

Ambulances show up and they drag me from him, drag me from my baby, and load him into the ambulance. I black out.


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Later losers.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2015 ⏰

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