chapter 1

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1 more week till graduation

jane woke up from her and bed and was still exhausted... but she knew she needed to go to school.. so she got ready and went downstairs where her mom was waiting..

mom: hey!! morning ready for school?

jane: if i say no... would youallow me not to go?

mom:very funny dear... but you know you need to go whatever happens

jane: i know.. just trying my luck.. wheres dad?

mom:(laughs) he left early

jane: oh okay, hey? where is kate.. shouldnt she be down here... we need to go to school.. and i dont want to wait for her as i sit my butt in the car..

just as she finishes kate enters..

kate: you dont have to big sis.. cause im here..

jane: good... now we can go... bye mom!

kate: bye mom!

mom:bye girls have fun...

jane takes her car keys and opens the car.. they ride silence... but kate breaks it..

kate: are you excited?

jane: for what?

kate: you know for graduation?

jane: why would i be so excited about it? shouldnt i be the opposite?

kate: i know.... but you know... you're going off to college.... and no more strict rules at home, no more waking up early in the morning

jane: haha... sucks to be you.. but at least you need to start driving on your own..

kate: no its not fun!

jane: why not?

kate: because.... i dont have to play "boss" and you're my "driver"

jane: haha... now i know what you call me..

kate: you know me... i like role-playing

jane: yeah... and boss?

kate: wait me??

jane: yes, we're here..

they both arrive to school and jane parks her car on the senior parking lot.....

jane: so, see you later?

kate: yeah... bye!

jane goes does the main hallway and her friend sarah sees her and calls

sarah: hey jane!

jane: sarah! what's up?

sarah: not much....... so where you off to?

jane: well i have history first period but that doesnt start till 7:30.. so now im just going to my locker..

sarah: cool! can i come with you?

jane: sure no problem...

they both went to jane's locker ...

sarah: so.......

jane: what???

sarah: oh come one jane! we've only got one week till our graduation.. arent you excited???

jane: i know.. but you know i dont want to think about that yet...

sarah: yeah you're right... so any plans before going to you dream college... where is it again?

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