Monday, 12/14/15
Hello, my name is Faelan Kasa Bodaway. That isn't my real name, but I prefer it in the Therian community. Here are the basics about me, I guess. I awakened as a Therian in 1/26/10 when I was 9, I know that seems young, but I was quite mature for my age. My first Theriotype was a wolf, I know much wolfaboo! But it turned out through many years and months of meditation that I am actually a male Red Fox, male Red-nosed Pitbull, and a female coyote. I'll get into that later. I love iced-tea, watching YouTube and drawing my Theriotypes. I also love love love exploring and collecting rocks and taxidermy. I want to live in Washington (state) when I am older, there is veggitation everywhere just perfect for me! However, I am 14 now and can move in 4 years! Yay!
Well, goodnight! It's 10:17 pm and I need my rest for school!
Stay Strong and Therian On óÔÔò
Faelan's Therian Journal
SpiritualA story about a Oregon Therian, figuring out the Therian ways.