Wtf XD

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Whet am I doing? I'm checking my Tumblr, checking Wattpad, checking Wc, and checking some other apps. Why? Idk. Why am I up late? Eh.. because I want to. Are you happy? YASSSSSSSSSS. 3 More daysssssssssssss. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :DD I'M LISTENING TO MEH MUM SNORING WITH HAPPINESS. Jenna, how are you still up? Well, Jazzie was coming to my room and it was 11 PM. I decided to act like I fell asleep for a while but then I woke up at 3 AM. So that's how i'm awake. Oh god I might be sleepy in class. *^* This pictah was from Sunday XD *Puts hand on meh hip* Pose :D Dat eyeliner doe Jenn XD

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