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"Okay, so I'm going to assign your partners." What in the world is wrong with Miss Holly today? I'm starting to get aggravated, and since the accident, things have never turned for the better when I've gotten annoyed. My hand started shaking, like I've always done when I get mad. Miss Holly noticed and quickly read the assignments out, "Kira, you will be with Tessa. Alex is with James, Caiden is with Mason, and though they aren't here, Austin and Libby will be partners. Now we will go outside. Use each others cameras to take these pictures, that way it will be easier for you to edit them." ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Why would she make us use each others cameras? I never let anyone touch my camera. Ever.
Everyone started walking outside, but Miss Holly told Tessa and I to stay back. I looked at her like she was crazy and made it very obvious that I was angry. "Okay Kira, I understand you're unhappy, but that's why I told you two to stay back. Tessa, Kira doesn't speak, so this project may be a little bit more complicated for you two." Tessa rolled her eyes, probably angry that she wasn't working with James, her boyfriend. "Tessa, the attitude is not appreciated. I know you wanted to work with James, but I would really like to give you the opportunity to work with Kira. She is just as talented as you, and I know you will turn in amazing photos." Tessa nodded and we started to walk away, but Miss Holly stopped us again, "And by the way, girls, you will not be trading cameras, you will instead email the pictures to each other at the end of class. You will only send your favorite because we will only edit one picture each. Please remember that you have to respect your partner's opinions and you can't change their picture in ways they don't like." She finally allowed us to go outside, and we went our seperate ways to take our pictures. I headed straight to the grand oak in the middle of the commons area, and took a few pictures of it, with the sun shining through the branches and the rain falling straight down. Then I headed over to a pink rose bush and took a picture of a fully bloomed rose with raindrops hanging off of it, with the sun shining through the raindrops. Next, I headed over to a wooden bench; I sat down and started to take pictures of the entire garden, angled just right so that none of the people were visible, and it showed the rain clearly falling. After that, I pointed the camera straight towards the sky, and let the rain fall for a few seconds before snapping a picture that had the rain just pooled on my camera lens, and the gray sky was showing behind them, with a few rays of the sun shining through a huge gray raincloud. My last three pictures were beautiful, they were of the sky, with the rain not visible. "Alright class, let's get inside!" Miss Holly yelled across the garden. I rolled my eyes, disappointed that I had to stop taking pictures, and walked inside.
Picture is of the sky, with the rain not visible. I took that picture and reserve all rights to it. Do not repost it or use it for anything. Almost any picture I use will be one that I took and I will reserve the rights to all of it. Please let me know what you think of this story so far. Xoxo, until next time.

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