Chapter 19

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Previously on 'Harry's Secret Sister':

'Are you and Harry okay?' He's so sweet, checking up on me and Harry.

'Yeah, I just brought something up I shouldn't have. It's all good:)'

'That's good, did Harry tell you that you need to be ready by 9 tomorrow morning?'

'Yep! He said that your tutor was going to get me through these last few months, thank you.'

'Anything for you, Munchkin'


It's now Friday, release day. I am currently getting ready for my tutor to meet me in my hotel room.

There was a knock on the door causing me to jump three meters in the air.

"WHO IS IT?" I called not bothering to look through the peep hole.

"It's Harry, open the door." He said very quietly.

I opened the door to see him standing there almost falling asleep.

"What are we doing for breakfast?" I asked him.

"Well, I think Liam's going to run to the store quick and get some eggs." He said closing his eyes for a couple seconds.

"I can make the eggs if no one else will." I responded.

"I think I was told to make them, but if you want to you can."

"So, like, is there any reason you came here, or..." I asked my sentence trailing off into nothing.

"I was just making sure you're awake, come to my room when your done getting ready."

"Okay." I said and turned around shutting the door.

I started to pick out some clothes for today. I settled on a simple grey t-shirt, blue jeans, and grey sparkly converse. I put on a silver snowflake necklace to top it off.

I grabbed my phone off the charger and my key card before leaving to go to Liam's room.

I knocked on the door waiting for someone to answer it. Finally Niall came to door.

"I like your necklace, but you do realize that it barely ever snows in California, right?" He asked making sure I knew.

"Yes, I know, but I really want it to snow." I said with a small smile.

We both walked into the main area of the room, I noticed there was only three boys.

"Where's Liam?" I asked as I sat down at the table next to Harry.

"He's still getting the eggs." Louis responded simply.

I didn't say anything I just put my head on top of my arms on the table and closed my eyes.

I just listened to the boys conversation on what interviews they had left.

"Jonathan Ross, James Corden, Jimmy Kimmel, we have to film the Carpool Karaoke, and some interviews in Mexico I think that's it but we might have more. I'm not sure." I heard Niall say.

I felt someone poke me, I just opened one eye to see Harry sitting there with a smirk. I just closed my eyes.

I felt him poke me again.

"What?" I murmured quietly.

"You know you still have your tutor today?" He asked me.

"Yes, it's Friday, why wouldn't I?" I asked being a smartass.

"I was just checking, we have to go somewhere today but we'll be back to the hotel before your schooling ends." Harry said as we we're handed plates with scrambled eggs.

"Thank you Liam!" Harry and I both said at the same time and he just nodded in response.

I purposely made my elbow stick out so it was in Harry's way of eating.

"Grow up, I'm not starting this early in morning." Well then, someone's in a mood.

I just moved my elbow back to my own space and mumbled a sorry.


"So do you understand what you have to do?" My tutor asked.

"Yes, I understand how to do this and what I have to do." I said and nodded.

I packed my binders into my book bag. Once I stood up I looked her in the eyes.

"Thank you for today." I said and put my bag by the rest of my luggage.

"No problem, see you Monday Julie." She smiled at me and left my hotel room.

I liked this tutoring thing. I only had four classes a day. Each one for forty-five minutes, and before we moved onto the next subject, we did 'extra work' instead of homework.


I unlocked my phone and texted Harry.

'Hey where are you and the guys, the tutor just left.' I sent the message and looked around for my converse that I was wearing earlier.

'We're in Liam's room, come over if you'd like.' Was all I got in response.

I grabbed my key card and my phone and headed over to Liam and Niall's room.

I knocked on the door and waited.

I knocked again. No answer.

'Can someone open the door?' I texted Harry hoping to get into the room.

The door opened revealing Liam.

"Hey, what took you so long to op-" I was cut off by Liam stepping out into the hallway, closing the door, and kissing me.

My first instinct was to kiss back. So that's what I did.

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