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I met Jackson my senior year at Clear Creek High School. She was the shy girl who sat in the back of the class. When I walked into home room every day she always sat first row and last seat. Her black Jack Skellington backpack always rested between her black and white checkered chucks. I was the popular girl who was captain of the cheer team and had a boyfriend who was the captain of the football team. He sat right next to me in front of the class. I was never sure why we did, but thinking back I realize I wanted to be the center of attention. "Good morning class," our teacher spoke clearly to gain everyone's attention. "Today we have a few more presentations, then I will explain our next project. Tony you're first," he finished pointing to my boyfriend. Tony and a few other people read their half assed assignments not bothering to take it seriously. In the corner of my eye I could see jackson biting her thumb nails as if she was nervous to go. "And last will be Jackson. We are ready when you are." The teacher said motioning to the podium, never looking up from his papers. Her hair dangled elegantly in front of her soft pale face. Hidden behind her black bangs were two cloudy slate eyes laced with baby blue streaks that reminded me of lightning on a stormy day. Her sleeves draped down her arms where her thumbs poked through a hold in each one. Her nails were painted black and each thumb had a sliver ring. The ring on her left hand had "hang on" etched into it while the other had a heartbeat. Her ears were pierced at the top that had a chain connect to her bottom piercing. The tiny pink stud glimmered in the the light as she rocked back and forth in her seat writing in her notebook. Slowly she stood up grabbing her notebook and headed to the front of the room. As she stood behind the podium she opened her notebook and flipped through the pages. She then closed her eyes and took one deep breath. She shot her eyes open and the whole class must have felt what I did. Everyone in the room looked up from their phones or books. "Some say that love is an emotion; that it can come and go just like the tides of the ocean," she spoke with confidence. "That it is destructive and can cause all sorts of unnecessary commotion. Some even believe that it's not found, but chosen." She took a moment to breathe in deeply before she continued. "Someone once asked me what exactly love is. I told him that it's different for everyone so I can't define his. But to me it's looking at her and seeing the sunrise after a stormy night." By now even the teacher had his eyes fixated on Jackson. "It's something that makes you do what some consider a poor decision, but to you feels so right. It's two eyes that look right into yours and see what inside. It's two legs that choose not to run once they see what you've tried to hide. It's two hands that pull you closer the more you try to run out of fear. It's the only ears on this planet that can hear the song your soul sings so clear. Its two hearts with one beat, that's what love is to me." She finished softly. The whole class sat in silence trying to determine exactly what they had heard as she floated back to her seat. I looked back to see a smile crack, hidden behind her raven hair and blushing cheeks. "So you're gay?" Tony blurted out turning around to stare at Jackson. Before Jackson could respond the teacher interrupted trying to avoid a bad situation, "Class, today I will assign you a partner to work on this short story assignment with." The entire class let out a simultaneous sign. "Chrissy with Amber. Mark and Tony." The list went on and on until she looked me in the eyes and said, "Ashley you're with Jackson." I looked over just as she raised her gaze from her notebook. We locked eyes. A smile crept from the corners of her mouth to reveal her teeth which were white as freshly fallen snow. She raised her left hand and waved gently to me. After the teacher finished she said, "okay everyone find your partner and start brainstorming. You will have time in class tomorrow to work, but I expect you to meet up outside of school as well!" I was packing my books and binder up as Jackson walked over to me. I saw her checkered converse, but noticed now they had sharpie drawings on them, in front of me. I looked up to see her holding out a piece of paper with her name and number written in purple pen on it. "Feel free to call or text me after school. I know you're busy with cheerleading but I stay up pretty late." She spoke soft but soothing as if her soul was whispering to mine. "Thanks." I said quickly grabbing the paper and shoving it into my back pocket as I raced past her and to practice.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2016 ⏰

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