One movement

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Kane's PoV~

One movement. That's all it would take, but I couldn't bring myself to do it at first. I was only standing there for a second, maybe two, but it felt like a lifetime. My heart glowed with pure love for Abby, her warm gentle eyes shone like a thousand stars in the moonlight.

I remembered all the times I had hurt her, all the times I made her suffer, all the times I hated her, and felt nothing but remorse and regret. How could I have been so foolish? I felt a tear briefly stir in my eyes. She deserves better than me...

That same glimmer remained in Abby's eyes as we stood facing each other, eyes locked together, neither one of us daring to move an inch. I could feel the tension growing between us, becoming more and more unbearable with every rapid heartbeat.

Memories of times when I knew I loved her came flooding back. The first time we ever glimpsed upon the rising sun on the earth together, or when we sat beside the campfire. The times when things looked grim, when I felt the end for me was drawing near, she never left my withering side. And I'll never forget the pain of seeing her on that table in Mount Weather, her screams filled with agony, my heart breaking into tiny, meaningless pieces, the pain as surreal as if I'd been on that table, getting my bones drilled. I realised that day I couldn't bare to loose her, because I loved her too much. I tried to deny it back then, I can't anymore.

My mind came back to reality, with our bodies locked on the hard ground we stood upon like statues, our eyes still locked together.

I couldn't resist any longer. One move was all it took for my mouth to reach her soft tender lips. I felt my whole soul awaken again as our arms slowly slid around our backs, joining us together. One move was all it took for us to silently tell one another,

I love you...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2015 ⏰

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