Once upon a frickety diddly doo, Joe was simply eating ass when suddenly, out of the bleu (cheese), the zombees attacked. They were zombie bees, except for one thing. They werent bees, they were horses. Zombee horses. vrry scrry.
Jo was lik "hey wher all dem hos at" and da hos sed
"nah g we all ded fo drizzle my nizzle" and jo was like
"o." So long story short (haha short like jo) he was stuck in a hallway with a zombie and no weapon. his first instinct was to do what he was born to, and suck dick. he gave a fucking zombie a blowjob. but, he was right. Due to women logic, men think with their dicks and you have to destroy the brain to kill a zombie. he had undead cum all over his face. he survived another week and then killed himself after being called 'cum boi' too many times.RIP IN PIP JO 420-1337