Chapter One

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"Are you serious?" Russ said.
"I can't believe you would even do something like that! Did Alex talk you into this?" By now he was getting upset. "No she didn't, this is something I completely came up with on my own and I wanna go through with it" Miles tried to sound convincing as possible, staring Russ deep in his eyes trying not to break concentration. "I don't believe you. This isn't something you just think about overnight and decide it's a good idea! I swear if she put you up to this I'm—" " She didn't put me up to anything!" Miles cut him off. "God, why do you think it's so hard for me to make my own decisions? I'm not a kid anymore Russ and neither are you. You don't need me around as much as you think you do, you can do just fine by yourself. I on the other hand, need to go and find what I want to do and I can't focus on that while being here with you." By now Russ is too upset to think straight anymore. Whenever he opens his mouth to speak Miles cuts him off every time. Eventually he had to do it. "OKAY!!" Russ screamed so loud that it cause Miles to flinch back a little. "What?" Said Miles. "Okay. If that's how you want it to be then fine." Tears started filling up in his eyes and he ran up the stairs before Miles could see his expression. "Russ wait!" He screamed after him but Russ jotted so fast he thought he barley heard him. A few seconds later Russ came back down the stairs with something in his hand. Miles got up and walked over to him to hug him but Russ pushed him away. "Here" Russ said. "What is it?" Miles examined the gift wrapped box, intrigued to know what was inside. "Open it" Russ said so whispery that Miles had to lean in a little to hear him. A smile arose on Mile's face when he began to rip his fingers through the paper so fast he thought he might've given himself a paper cut. "Huh? Tickets to a Imagine Dragons concert? How did you get these I thought they were sold out?" "I bought them off this guy on the Internet. Since you aren't going to be staying here anymore you can take them and go with someone else" Russ said with a such a big lump in his throat you could tell that he was sad. "I don't know how to thank you" Miles said now feeling bad about everything that just went down in the last hour. "Just have fun at the show." With that, Russ ran back up the stairs, went into his room and slammed the door so hard it made an echo throughout the whole house which caused Miles to jump. "Well Shit." Now with even more guilt than before he went and sat down on the living room recliner and thought of a way to fix this. "I know" he reached over on the coffee table next to him and grabbed his iPhone, unlocking it and opening his message app and texted someone. "If this doesn't fix this mess then I'm not sure what will."

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