Hi I'm writing this because I want people to know it isn't a joke that people love horses
One day I was waiting for Eric to return home I was waiting and waiting then finally he came. My mam had a word with him and he said no to loaning Ted so we decided to wait till Eric put Ted up for sale next year. But this is how the story really starts when I fell in love with Ted
One Sunday I was riding Molly and my mam and Granda came to watch me I was learning to canter and I had just moved up. After my grander said how well I was doing but he also said that I should ride bigger horses I just agreed but I was really upset to leave Molly. The Sunday after I rode ted in the 3:15 and he was amazing I'm still in the class now but I can canter. Ever since that day I've never looked back at anything I've done. I still love him now he is my big teddy bear!
People may laugh at this and keep laughing and joking but I'm not that is my true story and I'm proud that horses are a part of me
Somewhere behind the rider that you've become, the house of practice you've put in, the instructors that have pushed you, the money you've spent, the miles you've hauled, the sweat, the tears, the blood, the blisters, the ripped jeans, the lame horse, the crazy horse, and everything in between... Is the kid who fell in love with the sport, the horse, the life, and never looked back !!!