Dog Enchantment ©

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Ella Grace looked into her large mirror as she was buttoning up her new red, school cardigan. ' It's ugly Socks!' She cried. Socks was a beautiful white Sheep Dog. 'Don't complain Ella, it looks good on you,' Replied Socks in a small cute voice. Ella tried to take it as a compliment so she ignored Socks. She put on her pretty school shoes and ran down the stairs with Socks in her arms. Ella answered the phone as soon as it started ringing. 'Hey Dad, How is Paris? I'm missing you so much. First day of Year 6 today!' Ella said through the phone. ' Oh hey Ella, I just decided to ring you up to say good luck for school. Paris is amazing but it would be better with you here. I wish you and your Mum could of come with me. Anyhow I love you and I hope you have a great day. Ring me up when you get home. Byeee!!' Answered her Dad. Ella put the phone down with a big smile across her face. She ran into the kitchen to eat her cornflakes and then she got her clean, pink coat on. She clipped on a lead on Sock's collor and they sat in the red car that Ella's mother owned. 'Seatbelt on Ella!' Her Mum shouted. Ella clipped her seatbelt on and the engine started. Five minuites later, they arrived at Ella's school. Ella said goodbye to Socks and her Mum. She ran exitedly in the school playground and she bumped into her best friends. They all ran into their English class.

Ella ran out of the huge school at 15:30 and she opened the car door and jumped in. 'Ella!!!! Missed you so much!' Cried socks as she jumped on Ella's knee. Her Mum smiled. A thought shot to Ellas mind and she questioned her Mum all the way home about a holiday. Her mother explained to her that she was going to the country to see her Gran and Grandad. Ella almost banged her head on the car roof with exitment. She ran inside with Socks and raced up the stairs. Ella dragged her suitcase out from under her bed. Socks dragged Ellas' bag from the chair and Ella got her purse out. She had £250.00! She begged her Mum to take her on a shopping spree. Her Mother agreed and the next day, they both went to the best clothing stores. Ella spent £100.00 and she decided to get some stylish nails. When Ella had her nails done, she had £70.00 left. She got her and her Mum some shoes. It took them 5 minuites to get back to their house. Ella ran upstairs quickly and she started to pack all of her new clothes. Socks helped her and they talked and talked and talked. The day ended and Ella fell asleep on her comfey bed.

Socks woke Ella up at 07:30 and the holiday crossed Ella's mind. Ella jumped out of her bed and packed more things. She carried her suitcase down the stairs and got dressed in her new floral skirt and her Lady Gaga shirt. She put on her high heeled boots and ran into the kitchen. Ella put some bread in the toaster and got out the butter and a knife. The toast popped out of the toaster and Ella buttered it carefully. She reached on top of the fridge and she placed some food in a bowl for Socks. Socks could speak but they both thought that was a good idea for Socks to act like a normal dog because she didn't want to give strangers a fright. Ella didn't want to put a lead on Socks so she just carried him. Her Mum dragged all of the suitcases outside and she put them in the boot of the car. Ella had an older brother and an older sister, Lexi and Harry. She shouted up the stairs for them and they came racing down looking very smart. They all sat down in the car and their Mum started driving them to the Country. They got halfway there when Ella threw up. Ella went into the ladies and she got changed. Her Mum tried to comfort Ella but Ella felt bad for ruining her Mum's car. Socks kept telling her that it was ok.

They arrived at the country and Ella grabbed her suitcase and she clipped Sock's lead to the collar. They raced ahead and bumped into a tall, smart lady, making her drink spill on her smart clothes. “YOU! YOU RUINED MY CLOTHES, GET HERE NOW YOU IDIOT!”Screached the lady. Ella's mum ran up to them. “DON'T YOU DARE TALK TO MY CHILD ELLA LIKE THAT, ELLA DIDN'T MEAN TO SHE WAS HAVING FUN WITH HER DOG, SOCKS”She said pointing down to Socks. Everyone apologised and it was all okay!!

Finally, they reached their destination (Ellas grandma and grandpa's house) Ella knocked on the door. There was no answer. She knocked again and again, until she gave up. She was just about to break the door down, when she heard a very familier voice behind her. “GRANDMA” Ella shouted “GRANDPA” she ran to them both and hugged them. “Hello dear” Ella's grandma said in an old croaky voice. She opened the door and they went inside. Suddenly, Ella heard a noice coming from her guest room. She crept upstairs, Harry and Lexi following beside her. She opened the door and to her surprise, she saw her Dad! “DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Ella yelled. Harry and Lexi heard her scream and ran from their guest rooms, giving their dad a huge hug. “I missed you to much. I had to come back. Anyway, wheres your Mum I miss her. Harry bring her here please, if you don't mind” Smiled their dad. Ella let go and she started to unpack her clothes, putting them in her luxorious wardrobe. She lifted up her matress and placed her shoes underneath. She had a very posh room. Socks jumped on her bed and Ella pushed him off playfully. “So you still have that disgusting, flea bag dog of yours?” Asked Ellas Dad. “HE IS NOT DISGUSTING AND HE IS NOT A FLEA BAG. DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT MY DOG LIKE THAT. IF YOU HAD BEEN IN ENGLAND YOU WOULD'VE BEEN HERE TO SEE WHAT HE CAN DO, BUT YOU HAVE TO GO TO PARIS FOR A STUPID MOVIE” Screamed Ella. Her Dad was shaken by shock. Ella's mum ran up the stairs and hugged her husband. Ella ran to her balcony and started to cry. She sat on the edges of it, not meaning to do anything. Suddenly, she fell backwards. Ella managed to grab a rail, but she was slipping! Donna (Ella's Grandma) saw legs dangling from her living room window. She opened it and stuck her head out. She saw Ella! “GRANDMA HELP ME!!!”Screamed Ella. Her hands became all sweaty and she slipped. She was falling from 20ft high! Donna grabbed the exercising mats and put them on the floor, so Ella would have a soft landing. Socks wouldn't let her fall by herself, so she jumped down after Ella. “Ella i'm right here” Socks said, giving Ella her leash by mouth. Ella felt a thud as she fell on the exercise mats. Socks landed on top of her -he was very heavy- but everyone was safe.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2013 ⏰

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