Chapter 8

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AN: Whoa, hey guys. So it's been like months since I've updated this...To be completely honest, I deleted Wattpad from my phone. But something just kept drawing me back, so here I am. I will be updating once more :) I am so sorry for making everyone wait. To make up for it, I shall be updating as much as I possibly can. However I do have high school hockey practice every night, and I'm busy with homework and school. So maybe updates like 1-2 times a week?
Anyways, I really am so sorry again, I feel awful about making you wait! This chapter isn't too long, almost a filler;/ But it's currently very late where I am and I wanted to get something up quickly. There will be a full and juicy chapter next. Stay tuned! Anyways, here's chapter 8 ;p

      One thing was for sure, kissing Brandon was not right. Nothing about it was. For one, we were too close of friends. Plus, it just didn't feel right. When I had kissed Mr. Reynolds, something happened in my body, something special that didn't happen when I kissed Brandon.

      Somebody whistled again, and I sat back on my knees. The room was so hot, my head was spinning from that stupid drink and I had no idea how Brandon was reacting to what had just happened. I kept my eyes on the floor, refusing to meet his. Suddenly I got really nauseous, and I got up and ran to the bathroom. I threw open the lid and hurled into the toilet, coughing and sputtering while the alcohol took its toll on me. Somebody came in behind me, I wasn't sure who, but they held my hair back while I vomited. I felt ashamed. Ashamed that I was throwing up like this in front of somebody. Ashamed that I had been so irresponsible and drunken so much. Ashamed that I had kissed Brandon...

      The corners of my vision started to go black, and I felt really sleepy. Two magnets drew my eyes together, and I fell over onto the floor next to the toilet and passed out.

      My alarm clock woke me up the next morning. My head hurt, but it wasn't as horrible as I expected it to be. That may or may not be due to the fact that I had an open bottle of aspirin on my bedside table, one that I don't remember taking out. The night before wasn't as clear as I wanted it to be, but I remembered most of what happened, although something kept nagging at the back of my head. I was forgetting something, and I couldn't wrap my finger around it.

      I took a long, hot shower and pulled on a red and blue plaid shirt with a pair of light blue jeans. It was a nice autumn day, just the right temperature. I had no time to eat anything due to the length of my shower, so I grabbed my bag and went to school.

      I met Pet at my locker.
"How's the hangover?" She asked, smirking slightly. I rolled my eyes but smiled.
"I'm alright. But hey, thanks for taking care of me last night. That aspirin really helped," I said with gratitude.
"What do you mean? Oh, how you got home? Jaz that wasn't me, Brandon carried you home last night. He must have given it to you. I had to drive Chad home," Pet stated. For a moment I just shrugged, not really thinking much about it. But then it hit me.
"Brandon," I said, my eyes growing wide. I remembered the kiss. He was the one in the bathroom with me.
"Oh god," I covered my face with my hands and fell back against my locker.
"What's wrong?" Pet asked concerned.
"That kiss..." I couldn't finish the sentence. She understood.
"You don't have those kinds of feelings for him, do you?" She inquired, putting her hand on my shoulder. I shook my head, indicating that she was correct.
"Well, at least he isn't here today. He stayed home. But you know Jaz, you mean the world to him."
I sighed, nodding and shutting my locker.
"I have to go to class. I'll see you soon," I dismissed her and walked to the other side of the universe, to science class.
Oh god. Mr. Reynolds. Would he know about the kiss? No, there's no way. But what if he can tell? What if somebody tells him? I suddenly dreaded having to confront the man I was severely crushing on. Should I tell him? Would he be upset? Would he end whatever we have? Would it be wrong if I didn't tell him? A thousand possibilities ran through my head, and before I knew it I was standing before the door to my science classroom, in a secluded hallway at the farthest point in school. Great.

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