Part 1

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   As the light of early morning spread its fingertips through the window of Gryffindor tower, James Potter began to gain consciousness. His mind shifted from his dreams into reality. He had dreamt of Lily. Of course, this wasn't unusual but, it was especially significant today.
   Today, he would tell her.
   The thought of this gave him a surge of energy and he sprang out of bed. Everyone else, unsurprisingly was still asleep, trying their hardest to ignore the morning for five more minuets.
   Sirius was half hanging off of his four poster, his long dark hair a rats nest. Remus was laying face down. Nothing could wake him up in the morning. Peter was curled up in a little ball with his pillow over his head. And poor Dave, forever the fifth wheel in their room, was laying face up.
   James walked up to Sirius and flicked him on the head.
   "Oi! Wake up! Today's the day!"
   "You've said that every other day this week too." He said and rolled over.
   "But today is different! I can feel it."
   He put on his best everyday robes and made sure his hair was tousled just the right way. As he walked out of their shared bathroom, the other Marauders  had just accepted the fact that they would actually have to move today.
   "Moony! Wormtail! Breakfast!"
   This was answered by groans and thrown pillows.
   "Hey! Everything has to be perfect today. For today is when Lily Evans finally agrees to go out with me."
   Remus lets out a snort.
   "Moon Moon, your skepticism will not phase me today! I am invincible."
   "Don't call me Moon Moon."
   "Yeah, yeah, Moon Moon. Come on! We're going to be late!"

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