There once was a group of superheroes, similar to The Justice League from DC Comics.The Founder was similar to BatMan, But her name was "BackPack Kid". BackPack Kid has the ability to use her Jedi mind power, but she also has a weapon. The weapons called "The BackPack of No Return".
The Second SuperHero is "Black Veil Nipplesss". His True identity was Nipple Maciãs. He was the tallest of the group he is 5'5". His SuperPower was to turn into Mister Pickle to run through small passages and get through doors.
The Third/superhero is PTV Angela She was the second tallest, as BackPack Kid being the shortest. Her superpower was the ability to turn into a potato, it's similar to Black Veil Nipplesss' SuperPower. PTV Angela had blue hair and a blue outfit.
So the story begins with the Evil Elijao plotting to capture all the potatoes and backpacks to burn them alive... The Three heroes plan to stop the Evil Elijao. As they have a discussion to stop the Evil Elijao, BackPack kid tells the group that she's going to put him in the BackPack Of No Return. During this discussion Black Veil Nipplesss gets sent outside. The rest of the time set off to find the evil Elijao. They get into the BackPack Kid Mobile and drive off to their destination.