Getting The Good Girl Back

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The music was booming loudly and I was pressed up between bodies, swaying my hips and shaking my arse, completely unaware of who my dance partner was and just assuming it was my boyfriend jake. I stayed this way for one or two songs before deciding I needed another drink, I didn't feel drunk and reckless enough at that point so I headed to the kitchen for a shot of vodka or a bottle of beer, whichever was closer. I stumbled through the crowds of people before coming to a clearing; the kitchen, I headed inside and decided to make myself a concoction of alcohols, mixing: wine, beer, spirits and any other drinks I could get my hands on, alcoholic or not.

Whilst I was making the juice I felt someone's eyes penetrating the back of my head and turned around feeling paranoid. When I couldn't see anything unusual I shrugged and continued making my, now brown and unappetising drink.

Shortly after I had downed the mixture, I was tapped on the shoulder, I turned to find a guy, roughly my age standing behind me, his midnight black hair fell across his left, bright blue eye as he grabbed my arm and pulled me along after him. I'd never met the guy and I had no idea where he was taking me but I followed him nonetheless. He dragged me through the house before stopping in front of a bedroom, even in a drunken state I managed to slur out "woahhh, big boy, not so fast" to which he raised one eyebrow and twisted the door handle.

When I looked into the room, my eyes landed on a bare arse and thigh sticking out from the covers, clad with a tattoo I would never forget, my eyes started to water and a lump formed in my throat, I felt like I was suffocating, as here in front of me was none other then jake, my boyfriend ... Or rather...


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2013 ⏰

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