Hunter x Wyatt

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It was the day before Christmas and the alarm chimed early in the morning. The snow outside was piled up and the sun barely shined in the town called Xemnas.
Last night, a young innocent boy named Wyatt drank a bottle of champagne in his house with Hunter in the middle of the night. Little did Wyatt know that he will be drunk after drinking the champagne since Hunter had lied to him, telling him it was actually very tasty water.
After Wyatt had been drunk and started dancing to " What does the Fox say", Hunter went inside the dark room and prepared the bed.
However, Hunter doesn't know that Wesley and Iyan had been hiding under the bed waiting for the ultimate suspense to come.
The two of them hid in the closet with video cameras and microphones to record in case something 'good' happened (insert troll face)
Wyatt was busy downstairs singing off key to the my little pony theme song when he heard his phone go off.
Feeling a little tipsy, he answered it with a drunken hullo.
"Wyatt are you drunk?" Asked his friend Nicole.
"What are ye talkin bout? I'm not drunk, you're drunk." Wyatt slurred before going in a fit of giggles.
The air was tickling his lungs every time he was taking air in.
Janae and Anna were on their way to Wyatt's house and dragged Sonny with them.
Janae yelled loudly, " Where does Wyatt live again?"
Sonny replied calmly, " Sorry, I accidentally ate the paper where he wrote his address down. I'm getting paid to do this right, guys?"
" Geez. I should  have stayed home," Anna said.

Iyan was in the closet of the bedroom skyping Pewdiepie while Wesley is sleeping right next to him thinking about naked men.
Iyan was flirting with him and using his hat powers to help.
Meanwhile Wyatt was swaying up the stairs as he imagined puppies with rainbow  burritos dancing on Michaela's Chest.
Hunter comes out of the bedroom and notices Wyatt taking off his clothes and tossing clothes everywhere. He started licking the walls and looked Hunter with those seductive eyes of his.
Hunter felt the blood rushing rapidly 'downstairs' as Wyatt began walking towards Hunter matching their staring contest light green vs blue.
Hunter licked his lips as he slowly approached his prey.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2016 ⏰

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