Musical Love

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Kat's POV

"Dad!" I practically yelled,"You can't be serious!"

"Do I look like I'm joking Kathy?!" my dad yelled back at my face.

My mom stepped in and sighed at my behavior,"Kathy........"

"Don't call me Kathy!!!" I snapped as my eyebrows started to scrunch up together,"It's Kat!!!" As my dear and may I include wonderful(seriously insert sarcasm(whoever thinks my mother is a dear or wonderful is from planet Mars)) mother was about to "reason" with me, my brother barged in.

Then he caught a glimse of my face, and the next moment he started to glare at my parents. "What did you do to her!!!!" he snapped.

My brother is over protective over me. If a boy just tried to hit on me, I would never see that kid again. My brother also happens to be 6"4". He also was the school most popular kid, but I just don't see why. All he did was beat kids up who tried to get close to me, and made girls swoon over his looks... still not getting it.

When I snapped out of my la la land, I marched upstairs with my brother following me. Cole, my brother, hugged me and asked,"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine,"I sighed still fumming,"Oh I forgot something......." I paused for a dramitic moment and i continued fumming,"David Carver is coming to stay with us while mom and dad are on a business trip."

My brother being the sympothetic one started to laugh.

I bet you people are thinking,"What's so bad about having an extremly hot boy living with you." Wait a moment....... Let me think........ OH I GOT ONE!!!!!!!! I SUDDENLY FORGOT!!!!!! HE'S MY FRICKIN' ENEMY!!!!!!!!!!

"Thanks for the love, bro,"I sarcastically said, punched his arm, and walked to my room.

My room was filled with musical equipments. My room was painted by moi. It was a nice, light green color with dark, red musical notes scattered around the room. I had a couple of guitars, but my most prized one was a nice dark blue with gold colored string across the guitar. I had about 8 microphones, but the one I used most was the color that matched my favorite guitar. My parents never bought me any of these becasue they said it was "a waste of time" and i should "spend mroe time studying". I got these stuff from my brother, his friends, and mine. I never wanted to accept any of these gifts becasue it was too expensive, but they said it was "a waste of talent". My blue guitar was from a "secret admirer" in middle school who i never found out who it was.

I bet you guys are also wondering why I tend to be disrespectful to my parents. I actually wasn't a disrespectful child at all. It's just that when it came to my parents, all they thoguht about was study this study that. I grew up like that untill i couldn't stand it anymore. I became rebellious to my parents , teachers, and more teachers. Long story short, I have the worst relationship with my parents, and teachers hate me and my sarcastic remarks. I actually love my principle and she loves me as her own daughter. She understands me, so me being me, I told her if she ever got tired of being a principle then she should consider being consulor. All she did was throw her head back laughing and patted my head as if I was 8 but i didn't mind.

I smiled at that thought. I loved knowing that someone understood and cared for me. I'm actually a straight A student but to my parents I was a straight D student. The principle made me do good in school but for my parents she gave me fake report card to show my parents and kept the real report card in my records.

I tucked in my caramel/blond hair and got up to grab my guitar and microphone. I sat on a four feet stool, strummed a few chords, and adjusted my mic.

I opened my mouth to sing "Honestly" but in the way Megan and Liz did the cover for it.

Hoesntly, why are my clothes out on the street

Honestly, I think you lost your mind

I stood up, walked around my room with an idiotic smile on my face.

I can't believe I came home to find my car keyed

Honestly I'm wayy too tired to fight

Round and round drama every time

I'ma go cause I got no problem with saying goodbyyyeee

Is it wrong I'm gonna be having the time of my lifffeeee

Cause deep down I know

I should cry

I should scream

And get down on my knees

I should say that I need you here

But I'm gonna party toniggghhhttttt~

Cause honestly I just don't care




I sang the rest of the song, and when I finished, I heard clapping coming from the door.

"Nice,"I heard a deep voice.

When I turned around to see who it was, he said,"Long time no see, Kathy Dawson or should i say Kat."


sry guys if it sucks!!!!!! i would edit it now but apparently I gtg 4 guitar lessons. I LOVE GUITAR LESSONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS MY LIFFFEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!! lik art..... oh and DO NOT COPY THIS!!!!!!!!! UNLESS U WNNA GO TO COURT!!!!!!!!! now im done wt tht no rude comments plz... if u hav suggestions plz say it in a nice way.... im human lik u i hav feelings.... and no im NOT from Mars....... and NO IM NOT AN ALIEN!!!!!!*GLARE* and no ads on da comments... thnx~ i thankful for u guys for putting ur time aside to read this book!!!! its my dads bday today!!!!!!:D as u can c imma daddys gurll;) baiiiii gtg my mom is yelling now to get it da car and gtht we r gnna b late-.-

NOW DO THE THREE BLAHS(its wat u call the comment, vote, and the other one tht i cant remember....)





thnx:D and sry 4 being a grumpypoo earlier;) hope u forgive me*puppy dog face* (i am sooo glad u guys cant c me cuz i SUCK at the puppy dog face-.-)



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