Giving birth

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Hi my name is Ashley and i was just getting in my car to visit my bf to tell him the good news! Until i was starting having contractions  and they were part and part every minute  HOLY SHIT THIS FUCKING HURTS WHAT AM I GOING TO TELL MY BF HOW AM I GOING TO TELL MY PARENTS?

At the hospital and the doctors arent  anywhere to be found when i saw a nurse she was tall and had blonde hair cam up to me and she was like Hi my Name is Holey may i help you today? Yes i think im going into labor!!!!!!  Do u know who the daddy is? Yes and i havent told him im pregnent yet because he was out of town and i didn't wanna ruin his family vacation and he couldnt take his phone with him so i just wanted to wait till he came back from his trip today. And? I was getting in my car to go see him and tell him  that i am pregnent but i stated having contractions and then my water broke when i got here. 

Ok what about your parents?They dont know either! So nobody knows but you? Yes im sorry i didn't wanna make anyone upset with me so i kinda didn't tell anyone is there any way i could call my parents and then i can call my bf? Sure said the nurse and i will have a doctor in here with you in 15 minutes ok?  Ok thanks im gonna call my parents then ill call my bf...

 Me; Mom i have something to tell you i hope you dont get mad at me but you guys are going to be grandparents im in the hospital right now about to have my baby delivered in 3 hours im in labor now and i was wondring if you and dad could come up here with me and keep me company?

Mom; Sweetiee we are not mad at you but does Jake  know? No he dosent mom you and dad are the only ones that know right now im gonna call him after i get done calling you!!!!  ok sweet heart me and your dad will be there in a few minutes ok we love you stay strong and call Jake ok? Ok mommy thanks i love you

Me; Babe its me im in the hospital right now i need you to come to the hospital near your house right now!!!!!! Jake; why? Me; cause im having your baby!!!!! Jake; WHAT OK IM ON  MY WAY BABY I LOVE U STAY STRONG ILLL BE THERE IN A SECOND I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!! ME;OK BABY I LOVE U TO PLEASE HURRY UP 

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