Chapter 1

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    "In this stunning new development, former behaviorist Mark Zenith has released the long awaited full submerge virtual gaming console. An amazing achievement decades beyond it's time. For more on this amazing device, we go to the man himself." A news woman says standing in front of the world famous Zenith Corp. A high end research building that has revolutionized the world. Not only in gaming, but also in the scientific, and medical field. Making such products that make life threatening diseases a thing of the past. Or it could be how he has experimented in the power of dark matter, which now powers the building. Which in theory will power the building for 64 years. This technology is why he is a scientist recognized worldwide.

"Is everything going according to plan?" Mark asks one of his closest colleagues, a shady man known as Dan Watchmen, one of the most wealthy and highly sought out video game designer in the world. He has revolutionized technology by using the brainwave in a person's mind to perceive certain information. He has harnessed the power of the 5 senses into video games. As well as Zenith, video game technology isn't the only scientific development he has made. He has changed how we learn everything. Instead of usually learning at school for multiple hours a day. Now, the kids get a harmless injection of all the knowledge you'll ever need, spanned every week. So instead of going to school for years, now all of your school work is crammed into 1 year or so, depending on what line of work you want to go into. Also, he changed that school starts when you are 20, so your minds are almost fully developed, making the information easier to process.
    "Yes, they never suspected a thing.. But, if I may ask. Why would you want to do this to the youth? Wouldn't it be easier to do it to the greatest minds of the world?" he says hesitantly, knowing fully well that Zenith is not someone you want to have gunning after you. "i'd rather be eaten by sharks.." He says quietly. Zenith answers quietly. " Because the youth of our nation, or every nation, will have to fight the enemy that we cannot. This is the best we can do to help them. Now it is up to them, I hope, for all humanity that they are up to the task..."

    16 Years later....
Another day of school... Damn. I say as I throw the blanket over my head, wanting the sun to go up where.... I don't need to finish that sentence do I? That was to no avail as the blankets are yanked from my body. I hiss as I flail around, trying to reach for the blanket to cover my eyes from the sun. I hear a slight giggle to my left as I fall of the bed. "I got you this time," I whisper as I launch myself at the general direction of the noise. I see nothing but the wall as I smash into it face first. As I slide down the wall, my face throbbing at the pain. I hear someone fall down, the voice laughing hysterically. The first thing I see as I start to recover is a hologram. This time it is one of who I believe is a famous movie star. I sigh hanging my head in shame to fall for such an obvious trick. Watching the hologram start to flicker on and off puts me in a embarrassed spot. I didn't want anyone witnessing that or I would never hear the end of it. Again. Sadly, this isn't the first time I had fallen to such a simple trap. But in my defense, I don't function normally when I get up in the morning.
"Haha! another point for me!" My sister says, poking her head out of the doorway. "You're starting to fall behind!" Sticking her tongue out at me, her tongue blue from candy she probably had this morning.
Did I tell you that we aren't very classy people?
    "Hey, don't you know that you aren't supposed to do these things to your older brother!" I exclaim, slightly irritated because of the early, not to mention rude awakening. She looks at me how a cow looks at an oncoming train.
    "O really? And who made up that rule?" She says with a grin spreading across her lips. Her reddish hair falling down her shoulders. Her silver eyes glowing mischievously at the prank. Not to mention the hole she practically made me dig.
"Um, well... " I stutter, trying to come up with a clever lie to tell her. "See! that's what I thought! Anyways, breakfast is ready." She says mockingly, laughing all the way down the stairs. I rub my eyes, still groggy from my rude awakening.
"Next time, wake me up like a normal human being." I mumble wanting to go back to sleep for like, forever. Opening the door to the kitchen. I see a girl, happily munching on a strip of bacon next to my sister. Her silver hair pulled back into a bun. Ironically enough as she reaches for one. Her eyes glowing with happiness. A clear, perfect deep blue. While my sister, always so full of energy, looks at me strangely. Giving the sisterly signal of " Don't come any closer! Abort mission!" Doing the hand signs and everything that follows.
Sometimes I wonder how anyone can stand us.
Too late, as her eyes glance towards my sister, who happened to be in the middle of a hand motion. Raising her eyebrow, the girl gives her a questioning look. "I would like to see how she pulls herself out of this situation." I say quietly enough so no one could hear me. An evil grin starting to form on my lips.
Automatically, she pulls cookies from behind her back. When did she gets cookies?! Distracted, the girl looks at the cookies. Looking as happy as a baby finding it's baby blanket. It was really cute as I turn around letting the door close behind me. I feel something dripping down my face. Holding my hand under my nose, wondering if it's the culprit. releasing my hand after a few seconds, I notice that my nose was indeed bleeding. "Was it because of the wall?" I ask hesitantly, wondering if that was the reason. What else could it be if it wasn't?? I turn around to walk to the bathroom and the girl is standing right there. Right behind me, as it turned out.
Stunned, I stood there immobilized. Staring into her deep blue eyes, wondering why did I have to meet her this way. With my hair going every which way but straight, with blood slowing dripping down my chin. My face paler than normal, I start to develop a plan. Maybe I can run! But, crap! she's blocking the way into the bathroom. Why is there only one bathroom in this dang house!
"Hey! What are you standing there petrified for? Come on we got to stop the bleeding!" She says, grabbing my hand and leading me through the hallway into the bathroom. It's so warm. Her hand was wrapped into mine. It was so small, so feminine. Her small hand felt like it fit into my palm. My face turning a shade of red that could never be defined within all the colors in the universe. She is dragging me to the final door in the hall, swings in the door and searches for a hand towel. Her face scrunched up with worry. Why is she worried about someone like me. Moreover, why am I letting her lead me around my house. And how does she even know where the bathroom was? A million other questions are starting to form at the back of my head at the same time as she throws me the towel.
"Plug your nose and lean your head back, that should stop the bleeding." She 'orders' as she sits down on the stool. The blue painted bathroom is like a spotlight to her, defining everyone of her qualities. "What if I don't and just decide to lean forward?" I ask mockingly, wondering why she has the magical ability to guide me through my own house, especially that it's her first time inside. She grins, and launches upright. Standing tall on the stool. Dramatic music starts playing softly in the background.
"When did the music start playing..?" I ask, puzzled. She yells. "I am the princess of Evil! You shall obey my every wish and command!" She gives me a victorious smile as she points her finger against my chest. "You are now mine to command!"
Silence follows as the music dies out slowly. I raise my eyebrow at her, wondering who is this mysterious girl, and why she insists... I don't even know anymore, I don't think I was even following her to begin with. She gives me a pouty face, her cheeks puffed out and everything. Her eyes trying to grab and steal my soul... Probably. I roll my eyes and tilt my head back. Sighing in defeat, pinching the towel over my nose. Only because I was getting annoyed of the constant dripping. After a few minutes, the bleeding finally stopped. Just in time for my sister to show up. She leans into the doorway, probably wondering if I was tortured or something. The mysterious girl looks at her, her lips forming into an evil grin. She looks at my sister, then back at me and says with a straight face. "Thank you guys, this amount of blood shall be more than sufficient enough for a blood sacrifice."
My jaw hits the floor, while my sister, looking horrified. Her eyes bulging out, utterly terrified. My sister just turns around slowly, and with the awkwardness of a teenager, walks away slowly, probably afraid to look back. The girl grins and skips off and out the front door, blood still covering her hands. She closed the door with a loud thud. I just stand at the front door, stunned at how the girl was, just... A knock at the door disrupts that thought. I open the door, only to find...
Her. The girl looking super innocent and all she says "I forgot to do something." Getting on her tiptoes she smears the blood on my face as she says "you are my simba" with a huge smile on her face. Then she slips off to the sidewalk then finally turns a corner and Is  gone. Like a spirit.
That was my first encounter with the mysterious girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2015 ⏰

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