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I was sad to move from New York I would leave all of my good friends behind. But my dad had found a good job and my mom got the job she always dreamed of, being a college professor. Not to mention the house we are moving into is amazing, it has so many rooms and I don't know which one I will pick. Right now we are on the plane to Seattle Washington. I have to admit I am really excited I have heard Seattle is amazing.  I hear on the speaker that our flight is about to land and to put on your seatbelt. I do as I am told as the plane carefully lowers to the ground getting ready for a gentle landing.

The plane gently touches to the landing pad and we are in Seattle. I look out the window and see the cloudy weather as it is raining outside. After a few moments I am getting off the plane and going into the airport. We get our suitcases and get into a shuttle that drives us to our house. When I look out the window I am in awe its looks so much bigger than in the pictures. It is a three story house that is painted a like shade of blue. The door is white and so is the outline of the house. As we bring our stuff into the house I go through the many rooms picking the second biggest room, the biggest is for my parents. My room has a wooden floor with the walls a light shade of blue, my bed is in the middle of the room with a white comforter on it. In the corner of my room stands a full body mirror and on the other side of my bed sits my empty dresser. I open my suitcase and begin to stock my dresser.

I finish stocking my dresser carefully organizing all my clothes, when I am finished I sit on my bed. As I sit on my bed something catches my eye. One of the floor boards is not aligned with the others, I get off my bed and look critically at the board. There could be something underneath it maybe. I decide to lift it up and I find a wooden box, it looks like a really expensive wood. The name Styles is carved into the lid. I have heard that name before but from where? I feel like I have heard that name on tv or something. I decide to open the box and I find a journal inside with the same name of Styles carved into the front cover. As I open the Journal I see the name Harry Styles written on the back of the cover.

I skim to the back and see the last entry is from June 3, 2017 that's exactly a month ago. But what would make a person leave their journal behind? Wouldn't they want to keep their secrets away from others? Wouldn't they want to take it with them to keep writing in? All these thoughts circulate in my mind. Wait this is the boy who got in that terrible car crash a month ago. It was only on the news because his parents are big lawyers in Seattle. All I know is he is in a comma in Harbor view.

I wonder if I should read it? No Ivory that would be rude. But before I even get the chance to read the first entry my mom is calling me to dinner. I quickly put the journal back in the box and hide it under the floor boards before anyone else can find it.

At dinner all I could think of is If Harry is still alive. Did he wake up from the coma? Would he come back for his journal? I quickly ate my food and ran up to my room. I go into my room and the floor board is pulled up with the box left open and there is no journal inside. I swear I put it back didn't I? I look around and on my bed lays the journal. Huh that's weird maybe I just put it on my bed before dinner. I look to the end and in fresh ink I see the works help me!! I drop the journal and look around. Who has been in here? Who wrote this? I look around my room and shiver it's really cold in here.

All of a sudden I hear a voice "don't be scared." I jump and look to the corner of my room by my mirror where the voice came from. I see a teenage boy with dark brown curly hair and emerald eyes that almost glow  when you look at him. "Who are you?" I say in a shaky voice. "Im Harry. Harry Styles." He replies.

"Why are you here?" I say as I look at him. "I used to live here." He says smiling. "Used to?" I say questioning him. "Well I got in an accident and after that my parents moved out."

"You are the boy who was in the terrible accident a month ago?" "Are you dead?" I say "The thing is I have no idea. I was hoping you could help me find out what happened." He said walking over to me. "But how will I find out if your dead or alive?" "I know nothing about you." I say looking at him.

"You can learn more about me love." Harry says smiling at me. I love his smile it just warms me up and makes me feel like I have known him for a lifetime. Harry breaks my thoughts by saying "What do you want to know first?" "Hmm. How old are you?" I say returning his smile.

"I am 18 I was a senior in high school when I got into the accident." He replied looking down. I went to touch his hand but he pulled it away quickly. "You can't touch me." He says still looking down. "Oh. I am sorry." I say looking down. "No. No its ok. Just if you try to touch me your hand will go right through me." He says looking at his penny colored boots. I feel bad for Harry and I know if I don't help him no one else will. "Ok I will help you." I say breaking the silence. Harry smiles and its like sun shining in a dark place it makes my soul happy.

"Thank you so much. What's your name love?" He says with his husky voice. "I am Ivory Morgen." I say smiling. "It's nice to meet you Ivory." Harry smiles and looks at his journal. "I am so sorry I didn't want to read it but I had to." I say feeling embarrassed. "No its ok really. You can read it to find out more about me. I want to know what the last page says." Harry said looking down. "Ok. I can read it to you." I say as I pick up Harry's journal. I opened the journal to the last entry looking at his neat hand writing. "June 3, 2017. Today has been amazing day and I am so excited it is finally the weekend. Tonight is Caleb's birthday party and he always has really cool pool parties with good music and plenty of food. Well got to go to his party." His journal entry read. "I remember how excited I was to go to the party. Caleb and I always have a bunch of fun with all our friends. The thing is I don't remember going to the party this year. I remember leaving my house and jamming to music on the way but that is all. He said looking out the window at the rain falling like it always did here in Seattle. "You don't think you got in an accident on the way to the party do you?" I said sadness in my tone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2017 ⏰

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