Across the "Uni"-verse

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As I slam the door to the VW's passenger side, I slap my sister in the face.

"What. The. Flip. I specifically told you stay in the car- Doyouhaveadeathwish,whattheheckwhereyouthinking,I-"

SCENE! Yes, excuse me for interrupting... Hold on Presleigh, got a lot to say and I need a commercial break...

*takes a breath*

Yes, well I'm Caty-Scarlett. This is my sister, Presleigh.

*finger points at the girl that just got slapped*

The scene that just transpired is not my most shining moment, I know. It's not nice to slap people, definitely don't try it at home. People especially look down on it if it's your sister...BUT, what with the day I've had so far, I believe whoever reads this would give me just a LITTLE bit of leeway.

And now. Back to the story.

My monologue gets cut off as she socks me in the lip, which ensues more fury on my part... Which is showing on my face and by the way she's looking at me right now she's not registering anything.

"Don't you hit me! I've been here the whole time, I swear-!"

"Get out Presleigh."

"Make me! Come on, show me what your best move is!"

"Do I look like I wanna be messed with?"

Commence the clawing and the hair yanking.


No longer am I riding shotgun, but as I grip the wheel I wince at the new bruise crawling under my eye.

"Ok. Obviously the violent angle is not working. Let's just have ourselves a nice, little chat. Ok."

"You know you look really stupid when you do that."

I realize that bulging eyes and a mouth that's knocked open to the floor isn't really all that attractive, but...

"Yeah, that. It doesn't really suit you."

I'm done.

"What is WRONG with you!!!!! That was a pit stop where I got out and you stayed in! Not only did you get out of the car but you snuck in to the store to buy a ZONE BAR? Really?! Someone could've seen us, they could've found you, there are cameras, there are cops... You are so selfish! And, and rude, and you have such little- no, let's make a correction! You don't have an inkling of appreciation of what I'm doing for you!"

She rolls her eyes, "No one saw anything. My hood was up, didn't make eye contact. We're fine. You're so dumb, you really are Caty-Scarlett. Sure, we're technically going to your college...She bites her nail, "Hey, my ID looks great by the way, I really look 18-"

"You don't know anything do you. You REALLY don't have any idea," I humorlessly laugh,

I clear my throat and pray to the Lord Jesus that I do not run her over with this vehicle.

"And you know what, YOU my dear sister, are gonna get us KILLED. I mean I guess if you're cool with that... then fine. We are set. We are definitely on the way to a long stay in a little thing called confinement. You got your wish!"

"Caty-Scarlett, no."

"I'm gonna call this whole thing off. You think that'll be better? That what you want?"

A lengthy pause later.


She nods her head left to right slowly with tears slowly gathering in her eyes.

I heave another sigh.

That's beginning to be a talent of mine lately. "And I want to be YOUR next Ms. America! Know why?! I may not sing or dance or look hot in a thong bikini, but hey? I'm great at being exasperated by my sister! Vote for me!"

"...You know this whole thing wasn't my idea. I'm the minor here, I didn't have any say-"

"It certainly wasn't my idea of a happening weekend, sure."

"Then WHY are you even doing this? I deserve everything. I'm the one who got us into this whole thing!"

She won't look at me and pulls her sleeves over her wrists, lips pursing and her elbow resting against the window.

I sweep my hand over my face and focus on the next breath of oxygen. I sit and feel it sweep into my lungs.

I whisper the next sentence as to reign myself in, "Our main focus this week is to what?"

Great, there's the pouty face. And yep, the sniffle.

"Come on," I tap her a couple times, "what is it?"

She rubs her nose into her sleeve.

"...Stay alive."

"EXACTLY! We will check into Admissions, we got your ID, right? No problems there. And the papers are great. Perfectly real looking.."


"We will get settled into the fabulous dorm that I'm sure awaits us as we speak..."

I'm shamelessly lying, these dorms are gonna suck. I've seen them and quite frankly a tent outside would suit me much better.

And then her face was so sweet I almost immediately regret everything I had said 3 minutes ago.

"Then what?"

"And then..." I said, "THEN we shall find the douchebag who really killed Winter James."

Do I have my work cut out for me this semester.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2013 ⏰

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