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Clara sat up on the couch, jolted awake from her dream. She looked over at the kitchen clock. 12:34 p.m. If it was that time of the afternoon, why was it so dark? The pattering of rain against the windows could be heard. Clara stood up from the couch, stretching, and walked over to the window, parting the curtains and peering out. A flash of lightning and a loud roar of thunder greeted her from outside the rain-streaked glass. A smile touched her face. She loved the rain, and storms...they were so...exciting. Turning, she strode across the living room and down the hall to her bedroom. She turned the knob, the door opening to reveal a small, yet comfortable setting.

There was a bed with a simple green bedspread against the wall, a stuffed owl adorning the space in front of her pillow. In the opposite corner, there was a wooden desk, papers and pencils of all sorts scattered across its surface. Many drawings could be seen under the clutter of it all. A small dresser that matched the desk stood next to the bed, with a lamp and a large stack of books teetering atop it. After flipping on the light, Clara walked over to the dresser and rummaged through the clothes, finally pulling out her favorite tee-shirt and a pair of jeans. She tugged the black tee over her head and admired the print, a violet umbrella with the quote"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about dancing in the rain;" written in silver font around the outline. Clara pulled on her jeans, frowning slightly at the hole that was beginning to form on her left knee, and then put on mismatched socks. Her closet was to her right, and it contained her boots. Clara slid the door open and grabbed her worn pair of rubber boots, black with faded multi-colored circles. Slipping those on, she tugged her violet raincoat off the hanger and slid it on as well, feeling the weight of her small, pocket-sized umbrella against her thigh. All geared up, she was ready to go.

Walking back out of the room, she passed the kitchen and noticed a yellow peice of paper attached to the fridge with a blue magnet. It read:


Going to be home late from work. Leftovers are on the top shelf of the fridge, heat those up if you get hungry. You know the rules.

See you soon, Clare-bear! =)

Love, Dad"

Clara read the note, a smile appearing on her face as she read the last few phrases.

"Really, Dad? Clare-bear? I'm not a kid anymore!" She shook her head, laughing softly. Setting the note on the counter, she went to the door and pulled it open, breathing in the fresh smell of rain. She stepped out, the rain falling onto her face and shoulders as she turned and pulled the door shut, locking it behind her.

She walked out into the storm, the wind tugging at the ends of her hair, the rain dusting her face and the thunder roaring in her ears. Clara walked out into the street, standing near the curb and watching the rainwater flood over the toes of her boots. Looking up into the gloomy gray sky, she had a sensation of falling up, away from the ground to join the rain in the clouds. She straightened her head and walked along, humming to herself as she went. Maneuvering herself through the nearly empty streets, she stopped in front of a lone park. The swings were silently moving back and forth, as if pushed by a ghost. Damp barkdust moved under her feet as she slowly walked through the playground, passing under the slide and trailing her fingers along the bars of the bridge. She made her way over to the swings, brushing off most of the droplets before sitting. Pushing herself with her feet, she slowly rocked back and forth, lost in thought. Her gaze wandered to the bordering woods, and there, she saw a face.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2014 ⏰

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