Bullied for someone else's mistake

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Ok so this is just a short story I had to write for school so i though I would just put it up? :/ lots of grammar mistakes as it is the un edited version but yeh um enjoy guess!


Bullied for Someone Else's Mistake

It started of just like any other morning. I was in the car with my three year old daughter Bonnie, I was driving her to kinder. It was a typical English morning, frosty roads, showers of rain, I was being extra careful, Or so I thought. So here I was driving along this road when suddenly I saw a blue car pull out in front of the truck that was in front of me at a heart stopping rate. The truck driver immediately slammed on his breaks and naturally so did I. But the breaks weren't going to cut it, I started to swerve and before I knew it, the whole car was twisting at rolling. Bonnie was screaming and people were beeping. I heard a ringing noise in my ear and then I blacked out.

I was told I came to a couple of seconds later but it felt like a lifetime. You see people say that when you are about to die your whole life flashes before your eyes. Those people are wrong. The day I was about to die my life did come before my eyes but it was not in a flash. It was like I was reliving my whole life right up until that very moment. It felt like I had been blacked out for the 27 years I had been alive. When I came too I could feel the blood dripping down the side of my head, I was dizzy and I wasn't too sure where I was. Then I realised what had just happened. The blue car, the truck, the crash it all came back. I twitched for a minute and then I started to yell.

"BONNIE!" I yelled. "BONNIE!" I yelled even louder. No response. I pushed myself into the back of the car and rummaged around. Then I saw her. Sitting their, blood trickled down her head, she was just lying their, hopelessly. I started to cry. I stoked her check and started to talk to her. "Bonnie? Can you here me? It's gonna be ok pumpkin. It's all going to be ok." I sat their stoking her hair crying and trying to comfort her. Then I yelled for help.

Soon help came and pulled her away from my grasp. They got her out of the car and then me. They started to wipe the blood of my head and said they wanted to run some tests. I looked over at Bonnie and some paramedics were putting an oxygen mask on her. I heard them say they were going to take her to hospital. i jumped up and ran over to her. The paramedic told me I couldn't go with her and I lost it! "I'm the father!" I yelled fiercely.

"Sorry Sir, we can't let you in the ambulance." The paramedic said. At this point I was ready to punch him. My three year old daughter had just been in a car accident, she is un conches and I am not allowed to get in the ambulance with her? This guy was crazy! "Look, my daughter isn't breathing. I AM getting I that ambulance and I AM going to hospital with her! Got it?" I said strongly.

"Sorry Sir! But I ca-" I cut him of.

"I AM GOING TO HOSPITAL WITH HER!" I yelled right in his face. He backed down and finally let me in the ambulance. I didn't take my eyes of her the whole ride their. It took about 15 minuets to get to the hospital but people where all ready running tests on her in the ambulance. Tears rolled down my face one after the other, as I watched them.

When we finally got to the hospital they immediately performed surgery. By law I wasn't allowed in, but I was ok with that, seeing your daughter in surgery isn't something a dad wants to experience. After about three hours of me sitting in an uncomfortable chair they rolled her out of the surgery doors. I ran over to a doctor. He gave me a distressed look and I looked over at Bonnie. A doctor pulled the sheet over her head and pushed her into a room. I looked back at the doctor. "She is sleeping right?" I said with a quiver in my voice and a tear dripping down my cheek.

"I'm very sorry" the doctor said with his hand on my shoulder. For a moment their I just looked at the doctor before finally processing what had just happened. "Their must be something you can do doctor" I said breathing heavily.

"I'm so sorry but their is nothing more we can do. She suffered a massive blow to the brain witch deprived the brain of oxygen for too long. I'm truly sorry." He said. I stroked my finders through my hair and continued to bawl my eyes out. I didn't know what to do. Bonnie was my life, I did everything with her. We were best friends, and now all of a sudden she was gone. Ripped from this cruel life right before my eyes. It felt as if somebody had just stolen my reason to live.

I stared at the room she was lying in. I wasn't ready, not yet, I didn't want to say goodbye, ever. Suddenly the hospital doors swung open. It was Kate, my ex wife. She staggered towards me and slapped me. Bam! right in the face, She was drunk.

"YOU!" She slurred. I looked up at her, she looked infuriated, not at all sad that her daughter had just died in a horrible accident.

"YOU KILLED HER!" She screamed slapping me again. People started to stare and I hung my head in shame.

"YOU ARE A MURDERER AND A DISCUSSING PERSON! YOU DONT HAVE THE RIGHT TO LIVE!" She yelled this time swinging for a punch to the face. I pulled my hand up and caught her clenched fist.

"Kate you have had too much to drink and you are not thinking straight." I said holding her fist.

"DONT TELL ME WHAT I'VE DONE!" She slurred. I lowered her fist and walked towards the elevator. I needed some space, some time to think about Bonnie without Kate yelling at me.

"YEH YOU RUN CHARLIE CAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU DO BEST! GET UP AND RUN!" She screamed from the other side of the room. I know not to provoke her further by reminding her that she left me and that she was the one that started to drink and take drugs and go completely crazy, so I get in the elevator and go down stairs to the cafeteria to escape her wrath.

When I got down to the cafeteria I sat down on a table and rubbed my eyes. I started to think about what Kate said. She may have been drunk and a compleat idiot but she was right, this was all my fault! If I haven't of started to swerve maybe Bonnie would still be here. She died because of me! I started to beat myself up like this for the next three months, and Kate made me feel even worse. Everyday she would call me or even the occasional visit just to tell me how lousy I was, or how it was all my fault, or how I murdered Bonnie, or even how I didn't deserve to live. Regularly she would tell me that I should at least have the decency to commit suicide.

*Three months later*

I sat starting at the T.V thinking of all the things Kate had been saying to me lately. I started to think of ways to kill myself. Ways that would be long and painful because I'm sure Bonnie's death because of me wasn't short and painless. I started to make a list in my head. Shoot myself?, jump of a tall building?, hang myself? No. they were all so quick and easy. "Stab myself" I whispered. I got up of the couch and walked towards the kitchen. It was dark and I couldn't see too clearly. I stood pressed up upon the bench before reaching over and grabbing the biggest knife I had. I ran the blade along my finger tip, it was very sharp. The blade glistened in the moon light. "This is for Bonnie" I whispered. I jabbed the blade right into my heart. The pain was unbearable, all I could think was I hope Bonnie's death wasn't nearly as painful as this. Blood dripped down my top and and I started to loose balance. I fell straight forward onto the bench. The hard surface pushed the knife further into my body and I let out a scream. Then everything went black.

The next day Kate had come around to bully me some more but instead she found me bent over on the bench. Blood all over the bench and floor. She took it lightly and staggered on home. It was only when my neighbour had come over to check up on me that my body had been discovered, he called the police and I was taken away.

Some say I was mentally insane, some say I did it because I loved Bonnie so much. But the real reason was Kate had made me believe that Bonnie died because of me. That the accident was my fault. But in reality I couldn't have done anything about it. Everyone dies for a reason, including Bonnie. Kate bullied me to suicide, yet she never even thought about me again; or Bonnie for that matter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2013 ⏰

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