Meeting Harry Styles

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Taylor Swift's POV

I'm Taylor Swift, and if you were me, you'd never want to walk around the school. 

They throw daggers at me and call me names: whore, crazy, alien, weirdo, outsider. Think about all the worst things and put them all together, and it turns out to be just the world. Nobody ever understands me except Selena, My Mom, and Austin.

Well, at least someone does.

I'd rather be Cinderella, minus the evil step-mother and evil step sisters, cleaning our mansion than being seen in public, most preferably in the school. But that doesn't mean I don't go to school everyday. I just said that I'd rather stay away from there.

Every break time, I stay in the only place in the school that nobody cares about: the school garden. Usually, it's just me, eating lunch all alone. But whenever Selena doesn't have much to do, she tags along.

"Want some?" She said, handing me over a tuna sandwich. I shrugged and she said, "Suit yourself."

She checked her watch for the nth time, and with that, she stood up. "Well, I guess I should go now. I still have things to do, you know, as the President of the School Council and all. Sorry, I really had to."

I smiled at her, "It's okay. I'm used to it anyway, so don't worry."

She frowned at my statement, but before she could speak, I said, "I understand," and smiled at her.

She waved at me and finally went away. I dumped my half-eaten chicken sandwich and soda can. I wasn't in the mood to be full at the time.

I have this nerve-wracking feeling that something's gonna happen today. I couldn't put my finger on it.

As I heard the bell ring, I quickly stood up and rushed to my next class. I rushed all the way to our classroom, ignoring the gigantic mob of students. As the highest and most famous girl group in the school caught sight of me, I quickly looked for a place to hide my place. But since everyone in school pretty much hates me, I had no other choice but to look for another way to my next class. I didn't have to if they wouldn't turn me over to those horrible people.

I took the long way because no students ever dared taking that path, well, except me. I'm pretty much sure this is the place where most science teachers get the insects for experimental purposes. I can see a lot of those right now.

As I made a long sprints on my way, I accidentally bumped something.

Or rather someone.

"Oh, God! I'm so sorry," was my quick respond after what happened sank in.

The guy had a pale skin. He had a slim and well-built body. He's probably about just as tall as me, or maybe taller. He had long curly hair and lots of tattoos.

But what attracted me the most was his green eyes.

Somehow, when our eyes made contact, it slowed time and made me feel lost.

"Um.. Miss?" he said. "Miss, are you okay?" He offered me a hand.

When what he said sank in, I was all like: Holy crap, I'm checking him out!

"Oh! Sorry I, I was, uh," I grabbed his hand, stood up and said, "Sorry, I was.. Ah, never mind."

"It's okay, I get that a lot," he said, offering me his hand again. "I'm Harry, by the way. Harry Styles." He smiled at me, making me awestruck for the moment. His smile was very similar to the Cheshire cat's.

My attention caught the fact that he doesn't know me; not even my name or my face. Maybe he's a transfer or an exchange student. But I wouldn't risk him being influenced by those cruel people.

"I'm Taylor. Taylor Swift," I said as I shook hands with him. "Are you sure you don't know me? I mean, you're not familiar with my face or name?"

"Nope, I just met you. That's all I know." Good. He thought for a moment, "I'm new here, so I barely know anyone." Then he laughed, "Actually, I don't know anyone. Also, I got lost on the way to my next class."

"Oh, what class?"

"English. I'm in Mr. Torres' class."

"Well, lucky for you we're in the same class. I was also on my way." I laughed.

"So, you were lost too?" He chuckled.

"No, I just went this way."


"It's a long story, and I don't want you to hear it so.."

"It's okay. I'm not someone to talk anyway. But anyway, friends?"

"Already? I mean, we just met. Are you someone I can trust?" I raised an eyebrow, "I mean, my life is so complicated and I don't want you to be included in it. Not that I don't want you to be included in my life, I just don't want to cause you trouble and stuff."

"I love trouble."

Well, you do look like it with your amazing features and all.

"And also, I'm no backstabber, cheater, or someone  who'd kill you. And why not? I mean, you are my first friend here." He grinned. "And why say no to new friends, right?"

"I don't know. I'm just not the type of person who lets someone walk in my life when he's just going to walk out eventually-- specially when he finds out my flaws."


"You know, that was deep. But I have something much deeper: If you can't trust someone new, then how can you trust anyone?"

"Good point." I said.

"I know, right? But yours too."

I smiled at him. He smiled back. Right now I didn't know what to say. All I know is that the feeling that this guy gives me is something comfortable, and safe. He was right. Why reject his offer? I perfectly know that I can only have limited friends here since everybody hates me for no reason at all.

I realized we were stuck in the moment so I said, "Uh.. So lets go?"

It took him seconds to say something, but he did. "Uh, right!"

I looked at my watch. "HOLY GRAPES! WE'RE 23 MINUTES LATE!"

I pulled him all the way to the classroom, and when we got here, Mr. Torres wasn't here yet. Thank God.

As I entered the room with Harry, the students shot daggers at me (mostly the girls).

I was about to walk to my chair when Harry held my hand, "Where do I sit?" And when he did that, girls got even mad at me.

"I don't know. Your choice."

He leaned closer, "Where do you sit? Is there a chair next to you?"

Great. Now I'm those girls' living target.

"Over there." I pointed on the chair next to mine.

"Great." He pulled me all the way to my chair and just in time, Mr. Torres came in.

"Good Morning, Class. Sorry I was late. The English Faculty and the School Principal were discussing for the upcoming Christmas Dance..." He discussed and discussed.

"Hey!" I called Harry. He looked at me. "Friends," I said.

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