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Alfred tried. He tried to keep a low profile with the spirits but then he fucked up.

Alfred's POV
For as long as I can remember, I've been able to see ghost. It's fucking terrifying but if I pretend not to notice them they'll leave me alone, and unfortunately despite knowing about my 'gift' my adoptive brother, Matthew, sent me to some centuries old boarding school that is so old you can barley even read the letters imprinted on the doors and walls.

You know what they always say about castles being haunted, well its fucking true, all I can see are spirits, a transparent white fog shaped like a human, but each one had their own unique injury and they were everywhere, going in and out of walls, in trees, and even going through students body's. This was going to interesting and not in a good way.

(Ya its short but only for the introduction)

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